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Recipes with Onion

Sides Apple Onion Salt ...

1/2 kg melted fat is heated with an onion, cut into rings, 1 raw grated apple, 1 teaspoon. Thyme and 1 teaspoon. salt.

Salads Apple Onion Carrot ...

The rosacea is cleansed and cut into small pieces. The carrot and celery slice are peeled and cut into small squares together with the apple. The lid is peeled and chopped. Everything is mixed with a fork. The mayonnaise is stirred in. The salad is seasoned.

Cold cuts Pepper Beet root vinegar Salt ...

It is all run through the meat machine and seasoned with the spices. Let the salad stand for a few hours and then taste it again. This salad can be made in good time and freeze.

Lunch Baked potatoes Celery Apples ...

The herring is cleaned, diluted and cut into fillets, after which they are marinated for 24 hours. You can fill a sand cake form with water that is frozen approx. 12 hours. The mold is dipped for one second in boiling water. The ice block is turned on a napkin

Mains Pepper Juice of lemon 1/2 Salt ...

Mix the butter with salt, lemon juice, mustard, crushed garlic and chopped parsley. It's a good idea to touch the spice butter in a timely manner, so it's time to extract flavors from the spices. The bulbs are boiled and boiled in leachate water for approx. 10

Mains Cherry tomatoes Coarse flute New potatoes ...

Cut the pork tenderloin as follows: The first cut is laid along the entire length of the breadcrumbs. Then open the tenderloin by placing 2 slices in each inside of the tenderloin. This has to be understood so that in the first cut you make 2 more slices on t

Mains Bacon, sliced Cocktail sausages Tenderloin ...

Sprinkle the tenderloin and chop it into 8 slices wrapped with bacon. Clean the mushrooms. Clean the onions and divide them in quarters. Clean the pepper and cut it into 8 pieces. Let the coctail sausages drip and roll a half slice of bacon about each. Each sp

Sides Tarragon Paprika Rosemary ...

4 onion pills, rinse and halve. A dirt butter is placed on top. Then season with the spice mixture. The onions are piled on staniol, which closes. Stir on the grill for about 20. Can also be cooked in an oven at 200 degrees, possibly. Just in refractory