Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Jerusalem artichokes Pepper Parsley ...

The meat: Order the piglets at the butcher a few days in advance. Rinse the pork nuts and put them in a saucepan. Add white wine and water to cover the meat. Bring the liquid to boil and foam. Add carrot, onions and chives cut into suitable pieces as well a

Mains Aromatic bouquet Pepper Salt ...

In leavened water with a spice bouquet, the tongues boil around. 1½ hours and cool in the bullet. The tongues are cut into the tern. The finely divided vegetables spin well in butter with broth. When they are tender, they are purified and placed in a saucep

Cold cuts Allspice Vinegar Garlic ...

A well cleaned pig head is broken. The eyes, the brain and the tongue are taken out and it is laid ½ hour in water, so the blood can pull out. It is poured into abundant water in which salt and herbs come. You let the head boil until one easily separates the l

Mains Brown sugar Chinese cabbage Stocked vinegar ...

Cut onions, leeks and china cabbage fine. Bowl the vegetables, peppercorns, lager vinegar, apple juice and water in a saucepan. Add grated apple and dough. Let it simmer for approx. 10 min. Catch the fish fillets in the layer and slowly warm to the boiling poi

Sides Fresh chopped Basil Fresh chopped dill Pepper ...

Place the chickpeas in a soft night overnight. Allow the peasants to drip and grind them in a food processor with onions, garlic, tomatoes and green pepper. The mass is piped to the father with flour, water and spices - the consistency must be similar to that

Soups Turmeric Salt Parsley root ...

Place the chickpeas in soft overnight. Peel celery and parsley. Chop onion, celery and parsley well. Cut the meat into cubes. Heat the oil in a saucepan and sprinkle onion, parsley and celery for 5 minutes. Without it getting brown. Add beef. Stir well while f

Mains Apple juice Coriander Marjoram, dried ...

Soak the peas overnight. Boil them tenderly for approx. 60 min. Chop chopped onion, squash and mangold in butter. Add half of the chickpeas and 2 dl of boiling water. Find the rest of the chickpeas in a meat chopper or blender and add the dish together with

Mains Wheat flour Minced parsley Madæble ...

The chickpeas are softened overnight, min. 12 hours. The water is poured and the chickpeas are rinsed and boiled in fresh water. Boils tenderly approx. 1 hour. Pasta boils al dente. Onions, celery, carrots are chopped into smaller pieces. The oil is he