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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Pepper Salt Paprika ...

Heat a little oil in a pan. Add the spices. Lay the prawns (like big ones) let it simmer a few min. Take the prawns up. Add chilisause, shredded pepper and tomato boats and simmer 10-15 min. Add cream to simmer for about 5 minutes. Eventually the prawns

Mains Chili pepper Olive oil Squeezed lemon ...

Start in the evening to put chickpeas in soft. The next morning pour the water and let them germinate. At the same time, the sunflower seeds are softened. At noon you start making falafel's father. That is, blend it all except parsley. Form them as littl

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon ...

The olive oil is poured on the forehead and the bacon is cut into fine tiny cubes and brownish golden in the olive oil and while bringing the water to the spaghetti in a boil. The eggs are easily peeled into a bowl. When the spaghetti is boiled al dente and

Sides Juice of 1 lemon Salt Water for cooking ...

The chickpeas are soaked in plenty of water for approx. 24 hours. When the chickpeas are soaked the water is discarded and the chickpeas poured into a pan and covered with new water. Boils approx. 1 hour. Save the cooking water. Let the chickpeas cool off.

Mains A little sugar Lemon juice Potatoes ...

The potatoes are peeled and rinsed. Ripe roughly, mixed with lemon juice and dripping well in a sieve. The oven is switched on at 200 degrees. 1 pizza or tart dish lubricated with oil The eggs are whipped together with cream, wine. Salt, sugar, cheese an

Mains Pepper Salt Grated mozzarella cheese ...

Clean the vegetables. Cut leeks, carrots, parsnips and celery in slices. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and season the vegetables together with thyme for approx. 5 min. Sprinkle flour and stir well. Add broth and milk and boil the vegetable sauce for a fe

Mains Olive oil Salt Water ...

The yeast is crumbled in a dish. Stir warm water and oil together until it is hand warm. Pour the mixture over the yeast and stir it out. Mix the two kinds of flour and salt and knead it in the gourmet solution. Wide the dough to a large pizza or 4 small