Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Bread, buns & biscuits Fresh Rosemary Salt Milk powder ...

Yeast, water and sugar are stirred until yeast is dissolved. Covered with film and raised for 10 minutes. Until it's scary. The oil is added. 375 g. Flour is sifted together with milk powder and salt. Stir thoroughly - add if necessary. More flour until the do

Sides Garlic finhakket Lemons Chopped flat-leaf parsley ...

Cut the ends of the courgette and cut it into a maximum of 1 mm thin slices. Use a potato peeler or a mandolin iron. Squeeze the lemon and the celery and mix with olive oil, garlic and parsley. Add the courgette strips and stir well so that all the carpets are

Sides Must be from 1 lime finely grated Lemon grass, chopped fine. Instead, it can be used to finely grated from 1 lemon Coriander seeds 1 tablespoon ground coriander. ...

If whole spices are used, they are ground in an old coffee mill or mortar. Pour the spices into a food processor or blender with the other ingredients and blend until there is a smooth paste. Store the pasta in a sealed jar for 1 month in the refrigerator.

Soups Garlic A little chopped parsley or fennel to sprinkle Salt ...

The lentils are rinsed and boiled in water for approx. ½ hour. The oil is heated in a pan in which onions and garlic are prepared. Add the chopped leaves, potatoes in the tern, lemon juice and the boiled lentils + water. Boil for approx. 15 min. Season with sa

Salads Pepper Salt Balsamic vinegar ...

The quails are put in milk and tabasco for at least 4 hours. Wipe them in kitchen paper and serve them in the maizena and put them in the butter until they are well brown. Step them in the oven for approx. 6 minutes. Meanwhile make the warm vinaigrette. Start

Sides Lemon juice thereof Sea salt Water ...

Mix the wet ingredients with salt. Slice the mushrooms, put them in the deep plate and pour the liquid over. Make sure all the mushrooms are covered. Dehydrate for 2-6 hours and mix occasionally so that all the fungi remain wet.

Sides Pepper Juice of 1 lemon Salt ...

The peeled beetroots are cut into large terns and sorted in olive oil and thyme until they are tender. Red wine and lemon juice are added together with garlic and jalapeno and boiled to the salsakist and add to ginger, salt and pepper. Serve hot.

Mains Basil leaves Pepper Salt ...

Bring the meat out with a meat hammer and season with salt and pepper. Put ham, cheese, raisins, pine nuts and garlic on the meat and roll it together. Tie the meat roll with cotton cord and brown roll in olive oil on a pan. Keep the meat warm and brown on the