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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Salt Garlic-pressed Potatoes-peeled ...

Cut the potatoes into small cubes and boil them with salt in 3 min Take the pot of flared and let the potatoes draw into the Pan in 8 min. Pour into a colander and afdryppes well. Chop the onions coarsely. Saute onions in butter and oil on a tefal frying pa

Lunch Oil-for frying Salt Pepper ...

Sieve the flour and salt into a mixing bowl. Make a fordybing in the middle. It together beaten eggs and milk added gradually. That is stirred into the dough is completely free of lumps. Add the oil and chives. The dough rest uncovered for 20 min. 1 dl batter

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic-pressed ...

The furnace is made at 150 degrees. Saute onion and garlic in oil in 4 min. Add squash and mushrooms and sauté for 3 min. tomato sauce and peas Came by and let the sauce Cook for 3 min. the sauce taste with salt and pepper and put of flared. Cook the pasta in

Salads Pumpkin seeds Pepper Salt ...

Peel and grate the carrots. Heat olive oil in a frying pan, and warm up the carrots in it a couple of minutes. They must not cook, but just get the flavor and heat. Pull them off the heat and mix them with yogurt, spices and garlic. The salad gets a little thi

Mains 1 cayenne pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

Cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices and put them in layers in an oblong pan or roasting pan with a lid. Turbot fillets added on top of the potatoes, and finally add water so that the whole thing is half covered. Cut the tomatoes into quarters or half, add

Mains Carrots-celery-leek Olive oil Pastinakrod celery etc.) ...

Pighvaren cleaned and is split into four pieces. Fitted sheet is mixed and cooked down a bit, and then pighvaren is loaded in and poached (småkoger) for about 8 minutes, until it is tender. The cleaned vegetables cut into cubes and roasted in olive oil over

Mains Laurel Pepper Rosemary ...

Turbot: Put the entire turbot in a heat-proof platter. Calves Fund (use if desired, 1 beef cube and 1/2 l water) cooked up and poured over the fish (to cover most of the pighvaren). Add the grated lemon rind, juice of half a lemon and 2 dl olive oil. Pighva

Mains Crushed dried chili pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Share the chicken down the backbones and broad it out with the meat side down, skin side up in an oil-greased baking pan. Press it down firmly so that it lies flat. Dot skin close with a fork. Drizzle with lemon and oil, and sprinkle with salt and chili. Style