Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Season the meat with salt and pepper. Put the meat in a marinade consisting of crushed garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and minced Sage in ½-12 hours in the refrigerator. Drainage yoghurt ½-1 hour in a coffee filter. Peel and grate the cucumber coarse. Pressu

Mains Pepper Cucumber Garlic ...

Chop the onion and mix the rest of the ingredients for the marinade together. Put koteletterne into a basin. Pour the marinade over and set koteletterne in the refrigerator for about ½ hour. Turn the koteletterne a few times during the mariner No. Pour the

Sides Fed from three whole garlic Olive oil Fresh chopped oregano ...

Got garlic cloves in boiling water for three minutes. Take them up, rinse them under cold water and let them sleep in the cold water. Take a fed up of transition and rub the shell of. Put individual cloves in a pot of cold water and cook up in three minutes

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Heat oil in a pan. Add the onion, salt, pepper, juniper berries and eventually came across the flesh. This Brown. Mushrooms, soy sauce and water are met by and the whole småsimrer in 45 min. The sauce smoothed with corn flour mixture and the right season

Mains Coarse salt Bay leaves Pepper ...

Hot coals in a grill starts up. Style a foil tray on the lower grate in a charcoal grill. Pour the coals along the side of the grill and around the foil tray. Put the grill grate on, chicken over foil tray and put a lid on the grill. Make sure that both the da

Mains Olive oil to fry in White pepper Grated nutmeg ...

Start with tomato sauce: Chop the onions. Pressure individual cloves garlic. Heat olive oil in a pan and add the onion and garlic. Ready to sample in a few minutes without Browning. Add the peeled tomatoes and tomato pureen. Add carrots, mushrooms, spices, wat

Bread, buns & biscuits Wheat flour Olive oil Wholemeal wheat flour ...

Break into pieces in a bowl and stir the yeast into the warm water (37 degrees). Add the oil, salt and flour just about anything. Knead the dough thoroughly and let it raise uncovered to double size approximately 45 minutes. Take a quarter of the dough from

Soups Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Sauté the vegetables in oil for a few minutes, after which the paprika sprinkled over. Mix it well and pour the lentils and broth in. Add the bay leaf, salt and pepper, and cook until everything is tender, approximately ½ hour. Purer soup and warm it up. Lemon