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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Olive oil Pepper Chopped tomatoes ...

The aubergines are washed and the ends cut off. Then chop the deep lengthwise on one side. In average filled salt and they draw about 30 min. While chopped onion and garlic finely. Rinse the aubergines and dry them by, and brown them in the hot oil for about 3

Mains A few garlic Paprika Pepper ...

Peel eggplants lengthwise in stripes. Make some incisions in the stripes, where the shell is removed, and got little pieces of garlic in. Put the eggplants in boiling water for 3 minutes, then rinse them under the cold faucet. Cut them up lengthwise but not co

Mains Pilav Freshly ground black pepper Lemon juice ...

Making fish unable, ridding it of guts and file it. Cut the fillets into pieces about the size of a matchbox. Stir in olive oil, lemon juice and pepper together, add the Bay leaves and the finely chopped or pressed garlic cloves. Let the fish marinate in this

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Cayenne pepper ...

The fish is washed, dried and placed in a large dish. In a bowl mix the chopped onions with lemon juice, garlic, cayenne pepper, coriander, paprika and 4 tbsp. olive oil. Mix it well with a whisk or hand mixer. Pour over the fish and add the Bay leaves. Cover

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Cayenne pepper ...

Mix the ingredients for the marinade and whip it easily. Put pieces of meat in a deep Bowl and pour marinade over. Cover it and let it soak for 24 hours in refrigerator. Take the meat out of the refrigerator about half an hour before it will be used. Set pi

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Heat the oil in a pan and flip it udskivede onions-peeled and finely chopped garlic in it, without taking any further color. Cut the meat into bite-sized pieces and sauté them Golden on all sides in the same pan. Peel the tomatoes, hold them for a moment in

Mains Currants Olive oil Big slice of lamb liver ...

Came the rice in a bowl and came as much lukewarm water know it just covers. Let the rice stand such an hour. Rid the liver of membranes and cut it into thick strips. Chicken and smut tonsils, guilt korenderne. Heat a few tablespoons. oil up on a deep pan o

Sides Pepper Salt Finthk. onion or shallots 2-3 ...

Heat the olive in a Saute pan and saute the onions clear therein. Add the rice and ham and mix the two things carefully with the fat, so all rice grains fedtes snuggly. Infant with boiling broths and wine gradually while stirring, and let væden Cook completely