Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Sides Paprika Pepper Salt ...

The spinach be thawed and knuges free of water. The onion chopped fine and be done in a little olive oil in a frying pan. Add the spinach and warmed through to the excess water is steamed. With a spoon made 4 indentations in the spinach and advocates an egg in

Mains Tabasco Olive oil Thyme, dried ...

Rinse the rice and FRY in a little olive oil. Chopped onion and garlic, bell pepper into small pieces, ham cubes, water, tomatoes, thyme, bay leaf and a few drops of Tabasco added, after which the right cooked, covered, on low heat for 40 minutes. To sti

Salads Freshly ground pepper Garlic Olive oil ...

Rinse the tomatoes and remove the stems. Cut the tomatoes into four pieces and sherry and pour them into a bowl. Cut the onions half over and share each half into four sections, and cut thin slices. Pour over the tomatoes and stir around. Take the small bowl w

Salads Parsley, fresh Garlic Pasta screws ...

First you start with to make the marinade, you put 6 tablespoons. oil up in a bowl, then chop chop and place in conjunction with the pressed garlic. The marinade may well rest about an hour in the refrigerator. So you take the cold/hot pasta and mix it in t

Sides Pepper Salt Tilsvarrende good ketchup (only good raw material) ...

All mixed on touched. Tips: (must drag my 2 hours) Refrigerate through summer.

Salads Lemon Green/red peppers (Turkish) Head lettuce ...

Cut the salad, peberen into strips, onions cut into small pieces. The ingredients for the dressing mix with the salad. Ready for serving.

Salads Eggplant Lemon (Turkish) Garlic ...

Grill Eggplant & peberen an about 10 min. then peal of arrow and cut them into small pieces. Mix dressing and pour it over the vegetables.

Drinks (cold) Sesame seeds for garnish Eggs Egg for brushing ...

Stir the yeast into the water and then stir in sugar, salt, eggs and oil into the liquid. Add most of the flour and knead the dough well. Let dough raise in a warm place for about 20 min. Sprinkle the rest of the flour on a Board and knead the dough. Portion d