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Recipes with Olive oil

Lunch Salt Cayenne pepper Handful of parsley ...

Chickpeas must be in water for at least 12 hours before using them and therefore I usually prepare in advance as I freeze, because if you use them for falafel they should NOT be cooked in advance and you can not use them from the can (If you're used to it) but

Mains 3 pieces Black Forest ham-seranoskine Olympics. chicken meat can probably also be used Pepper Salt ...

Cut or slice the ham into smaller pieces - sort them into a pan together with the finely sliced ​​leeks and garlic. Pour the chicken broth over and simmer. Scrape the meat from the avocados, blend them with lemon juice and olive oil to a smooth cream. Re

Mains Perfect fit Salt Santa maria mixed herbs ...

Peel the root vegetables and cut them into the tern, the smaller the time the faster the baking time. Mix oil, spices and perfect fit and mix well with the root vegetables. Bake them in the oven at 200 gr for about 30-45 min. Depending on the size of the roo

Salads Handful of peanuts Cucumber Red bell pepper ...

Cut salad, carrots, pepper, cucumber and onions. Mix it in a bowl, take your peanuts and put in. Now add condimento bianco and olive oil. Mix it together and sprinkle the basil in addition. Mix together and put in the refrigerator until it is to be severed

Soups Fresh parsley Peeled tomatoes/2 fresh tomatoes Olive oil ...

- The bacon is cut into smaller cubes and swirled in hot oil - Broken garlic wrapped in oil - Celery, carrot, onion and potato cut into cubes (about 1 / 2X1 / 2 cm) and add to the pan. It is important that this does not take color. - Add the bouillon and th

Mains Cayenne pepper Olive oil Oregano thyme Basil mixture ...

Season the beef in a little olive oil and season with salt, cayenne pepper, oregano, thyme and basil. Then cook onions and garlic, cut into coarse pieces with the meat. Season the cabbage, which is also cut into a little coarse pieces, hard in olive oil in

Mains Bulgur Chili Small onions ...

Rivet ran fine Bring the meat in a medium sized bowl with bulgur, salt, chili and grated onions. Thoroughly deal with your hands. Form small bowls of the dad, and put them on a work plate. Bring oil, tomato paste and water into a pan and bring to a boil whi

Lunch (to go) Salt Olive oil Tomato puree. concentrated ...

Mix yeast and water together Add oil and cottage cheese stir well together. Add salt, grahamsmel, durum flour and wheat flour Let it rise for a day around the kitchen Beat the dough on a table and split the dough into two. Roll two large elongate four