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Recipes with Olive oil

Appetizers Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Peel and shred carrots in thin spells along any length. With cheeseburger. Grease two baking plates with olive oil and place the carrots in evenly and the other side with the oil side downwards as low and behind ½ hour at 150 * remove the top plate and back fo

Mains Lemon pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Scrub the potatoes and cut in both and put them in the pan and brush with oil / lemon juice salt and thyme. Stir in oven at 200 degrees oven oven / 180 hot air for 45 minutes. Sprinkle with lemon pepper.

Salads Mushrooms Basil Lemon, the juice of which ...

Boil the potatoes in the bouillon for about 20 minutes. Sprinkle some of the bouillons mixed with wine oil and garlic battered bay leaves and lemon juice in a saucepan. Clean the mushrooms and deli, the tomatoes are divided and the kernels are removed and cut

Salads Pepper Salt Orange ...

Peel and tear the celery roughly and put it in a pan with boiling water and 2 lemon slices. Allow the celery to boil and squeeze the liquid off. The oranges are peeled and cut into the tern. Mix celery and orange together. Squeeze orange juice and whip oil of

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Margarine brune in a pan and add onions, carrots, celery and garlic. The spoon slices are seasoned with salt and pepper and dried thyme. Turn in flour and brune in olive oil. The vegetables are laid in a refractory dish, the browned pieces of meat are on top,

Mains -beef broth Cream Soy sauce ...

Put the filet in marinade of olive oil, soy and ginger, pepper and possibly. Little garlic. Turn the fillet in and leave it in the marina for 1-2 hours. Then put the fillet in an ovenproof dish in a 200 ° preheated oven, 15-20 minutes so that the juice spreads

Mains Olive oil Coconut milk Onion ...

Start preparing the ingredients: The loop is cut into slices and the spring bulbs are cut obliquely for approx. 3 cm. pieces. The meat is cut into very thin strips. Heat the wok or frying pan, pour a little olive oil into. Add onions, spring onion, puree o

Mains Balsamic vinegar for dressing Crushed juniper berries Olive oil ...

Kangaroo fillet is peeled off and put in marinade of lime juice and peel, honey and slightly crushed juniper berries overnight. The filet is wiped, browned in butter, fry in oven for approx. 8-10 minutes at 180-200 degrees. The fillet is cooled, cut into thin