Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Oil

Mains Salt and pepper according to taste Curry Very large sweet potato, peeled and cut into slices ...

Deck the lenses with water in a deep pot, and bring them to a boil, turn down and add the potato slices, and simmer until they are soft (about an hour), take them from the heat, drain and set them aside. Preheat oven to 220 degrees. heat oil in a sauce p

Mains Asparagus Blanched parsley Cream ...

Mallet cut filled with blanched parsley and garlic, the Club tied with string, and interval FRY in oven at 170 degrees. 2 pears peeled and halved be marinated in red wine-and porchere finished. Boil down with Oyster Mushrooms and Madeira cream filled into a kr

Mains Oil Pepper Water ...

Crumble the margarine into the flour, add salt and collect the dough with water. Cold 1 hour before resting the dough is distributed in the pricked with a fork and pre-baked 10 min. Steam broccoli bouquets in 2 minutes in lightly salted water. Saute onion a

Mains EVS. salt and freshly ground pepper Bambuskud (ca. 200 g drained weight) Mushroom (250 g) ...

Cut the meat into thin strips and fry it in oil in a wok or sautepande Take the meat up and got oil in the wok Add the fintsnittede vegetables, little by little, sauté them (without taking colour) for approx. 3 minutes Came the meat back in the wok, s

Sides Sweet and sour sauce Accessories Vinegar ...

Start with the sauce. Stir in corn starch out in a little cold water and mix all ingredients for the sauce. Bring the sauce to a boil and cook 2 minutes, stirring. Heat the oil in a large frying pan or wok. Saute the carrots in oil for 2 minutes while stir

Mains Strong taco sauce or crème fraiche Iceberg lettuce Oil ...

Cut the meat into fine strips. Brown the meat in oil. Add the taco-or chilimix and water. Stir. Let it simmer on a low heat for most of the liquid is cooked in. stir now and then. Crush taco shells approximately 5 minutes in a 175-degree warm oven. Cu

Mains Bean sprouts EVS. 1 small ripe mango EVS. grated cheese ...

Tomatrelish: cut a lid of the tomatoes. Pressure them free of cores and slice the tomato flesh into small dice. Arrow and chop the onion. Mix the tomatoes, onion and corn kernels. Dressing: grate the Orange rind and mix all the ingredients together. Season

Mains Pepper Salt Bay leaf ...

Crack chilipebrerne, clean them and cut them just fine. Chop the onion and garlic finely and sauté in oil. Add the chili peppers, scalded tomatoes cut into district and the rest of the ingredients. Let the sauce boil, covered, for about 10 minutes. Remove the