Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Oil

Lunch (depending on how many you want to make) Chopped (organic) tomatoes, canned Wheat flour ...

stir the yeast into the tepid water and put some salt in. Then add the flour and oil. Let dough raise covered in approximately 1/2 hours. Form dough into x number of buns and press them flat on a baking sheet. Let them raise approximately 20 min. then press ag

Mains Liquid margarine Oil Pepper ...

The meat is mixed with onion, milk, salt, pepper, eggs, flour, pressed garlic, minced peppers into small cubes and minced scallions. And then fried in oil and liquid margarine.

Sides Potatoes Oil ...

Calculate one or two potatoes per nose. Wash and dry the potatoes well and put them in a baking dish or on a baking sheet. Cut a cross in each potato, in order to avoid that they explode, and rub them with a little oil. Behind them in a 200 degrees oven for

Appetizers Garlic as you like Fancy Bread at my request Oil ...

pour oil into a bowl and squeeze the garlic in it. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cut the tomatoes into slices, and toss them in oil so that well with garlic. Lay the tomato slices on the loaves and sprinkle grated cheese over. Put them in a preheated oven at

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Durum wheat flour Sifting ...

Stir the yeast into the water (maximum 24gr.), salt and a little wheat flour is stirred in to a steady porridge, oil is added, stir in the flour, durum sifting is stirred in and finally accepted the last wheat flour in the Dough is kneaded until it is flexible

Mains Oil Salt Mustard ...

Staniol lubricated with oil, there where herring must be. Herring lubricated inside with mustard, folded, and sprinkled with salt on the outside. The herring are packed into stani Academy. Package FRY in bålets glows. Tips: Fits well with Pan bread, becaus

Soups Ciabatta bread Fresh parsley Marjoram ...

Profile chili and garlic to a fine blend. Pour the oil in a pan and gently fry the chilli, garlic together pasta-chicken mixture. Sprinkle with oregano, marjoram and parsley, baby with bouillon and soup simmer 7-8 my lan, to the pasta is tender. Season with sa

Sauces Minced parsley Oil Pepper ...

slice the tomatoes and chop onion in both. put a little oil in a frying pan and add the tomatoes and onion and salt/pepper and parsley. Let Cook ldit so the juice boils in and it gets a little thicker. Let it derefefter small boiling 5-10 min. mix in the cooke