Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Oil

Mains Vegetables according to the needs Noodles or rice Peper ...

came oil and curry powder in the Pan and grate it, to get the taste of curry powder. Therefore the strip-cut chicken fillets came in the Pan and fry them. through came as eggs and milk in the Pan, stir it around for 10 minutes time. come on in to taste vegetab

Bread, buns & biscuits Yeast Junket Salt ...

5-kornsblandingen cooked in the 2-3 minutes in the water, after which it is cooled. Everything, except flour, stir in flour, Add to the dough gets rid.. The dough is kneaded and raises approx. 1 hour. Formes to buns and made after withdrawal in 20 minutes. Do

Cakes in form The rind from 2 lemons Bicarbonate of soda Salt ...

Ingredients are stirred together. Pour the dough in a greased form and bake 1 ½ hour at 170 degrees.

Sides Must raise 0.5-1 hour Salt Oil ...

Turn on the oven at 225 degrees. Inserts chorizopølse into small cubes and knead them together with pizza dough, if desired. finished purchased. Portion dough into 12 paragraph tril them into thin sausages and put them on a baking sheet with wax paper. Br

Sides Cauliflower into small florets Vinegar Fintsnittede leeks ...

The sugar is mixed in the vinegar and oil and ketchup added. It all, beat well together. Then add the other ingredients and mix it all together. The amount can vary, depending on what you want most.

Mains Corn flour Oil Pepper ...

Kyllingfileterne cut into strips and roasted in the Pan in oil. Chop the onions, and capers afvædes (save væden, since it can give the sauce more flavor). Onions, capers and dijon mustard in a saucepan Sauté. Add cream and milk, and let it all cook down in th

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes are cooked tender and moses, and cauliflower and onion chopped. All ingredients are stirred together into a real father. FRY as regular meatballs, but only for 2 minutes on each side. Sauce: Tomatoes passed through a sieve and brought to the bo

Breakfast & brunch Buttermilk Flour as needed, however not too much Salt ...

Yeast dissolve in sugar and salt. Sour milk lunes easily. It all stirred together and rests approximately 15 min. Divided into 2 equal balls that are rolled out to an oblong square on ca 25x60cm brushed with buttermilk and folded from the sides so the dough