Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Minced beef

Mains Pepper Chives Salt ...

The meat is divided into 4 patties, chopped well, seasoned and fried in butter 2-3 minutes on each side. Eggs cooked in 6-7 minutes. Peeled, halved and added with a round side up on each finished fried steak. The onion fried golden in a little butter. Herein p

Mains Red pepper or green pepper Salt Parsley ...

Onions and mushrooms chopped. Sauté the onions in the margarine in a saucepan. The meat in and fry with. Mushroom, tomatoes, broth, paprika and salt added. The Court småkoger, covered, for 10 minutes, and in the right horn Soup twirls a further 10 min. Chopped

Mains Dry sherry to taste Eggs Egg white ...

Saute the leeks in oil in a pan. Let them cool and mix them in the minced meat with egg and egg white. Add half the cnu420, onions, parsley and garlic. Came stock in conjunction with sherry and season with salt and pepper. Leave ½ hour before pulling the

Mains Salt Dijon mustard Small can of madagascarpeber ...

Form the meat into four/beefburgers. Pour væden from peppercorns and mash them a bit with a fork. Butter pepper on both sides of the steaks and fry them in the butter and oil in a frying pan. Take the steaks of, pour the fat from the Pan, and boil it with brot

Mains Wheat flour Corn flour Oil for frying ...

The potatoes are cooked tender and tamper-proof. Form the meat into 2 patties. MOS the pickled peppercorns and stir them together with mustard. Mustard peppery butter on steaks and turn them into flour on pepper since. FRY steaks approximately 7-8 minutes on e

Mains Garam masala Salt Water ...

Heat the oil in a deep pan and add the onion and ginger. FRY until the onions are soft and golden. Add the meat and Curry. Saute over high heat until meat is browned. Add salt and tomato and simmer, covered, for 5 minutes. Add the potatoes and water and let it

Mains (Oriental spice blend) Lemon pepper Oil for frying ...

Brown the meat in a little oil in a deep pan. Add the broth and season with lemon pepper and salt. Bell pepper into strips, bean sprouts, pineapple, tomatoes and garlic added. Then stir the Oriental blend in Stir well and warmed through. some minutes. Serve im

Mains Pepper Salt Broth ...

Mix the minced meat with together beaten eggs, broth, onion and beetroot. Season with salt and pepper. Form forcemeat into a roll with mealy hands. Smelt something fat in a frying pan and Brown the roll. Let the roller roast on low heat 10-15 my.