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Recipes with Minced beef

Mains Pepper Salt Cumin seeds ...

Mix the chopped parsley, udkernede, chili, cumin, salt, pepper, eggs, minced meat and bread crumbs to a father's. Form into Walnut-sized meatballs forcemeat. Chop the onion and garlic finely. Heat the oil in a frying pan and sauté the onions. Add the garlic

Mains Pepper Salt Edelsüss paprika ...

Rinse the rice in a strainer, let them drain and mix them with the minced meat in a bowl. Arrow the onion and grate it into the mixture. Add 1 egg, salt and pepper and stir in stuffing together. Form it into balls about the size of a walnut. Pour 3/4 liters of

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes are cooked to mush. Onions and meat Sauté in pan or casserole. Season with salt, pepper and thyme. Add the carrot and sprinkled with flour. The flour is stirred well out and add water (or suit). Boil about 5 minutes, covered, on low heat. The pota

Mains (you can of course use other mushrooms fresh as dried) Wheat flour Oil for frying ...

The meat is shaped into 2 patties. FRY of the pan on both sides. Turn down the heat and let them roast for around 8 minutes on each side. Take the steaks from the Pan and keep warm. In the same Pan fry the onion and the shredded mushrooms. Season with salt and

Mains Freshly ground pepper Good oil and butter for frying HP sauce ...

Chop the meat is shaped into small patties and seasoned with salt and pepper. Picks by strong heat to Brown the steaks they have had a nice brown color (only a short time otherwise they will quickly dry). Onions in brown sugar and butter by even heat in 8-1

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes are boiled until tender. Form 2 patties and Brown it on the forehead in a little oil. FRY about 6 minutes on each side, then Add onion and 1 dl water with 1 bouillon cube. Let the steaks stand for simmer Cook for 5-6 minutes in the broth. The s

Mains Fresh basil Coarsely crushed pepper Minced parsley ...

Pastry: Da mørdejen must be in the refrigerator at least 3-4 hours start to do it. To start with to soften the butter in the flour in a bowl, and when the actual dough gets a fairly firm and thick consistency, get one egg in along with a bit of salt. It's all

Mains Pepper Roast potatoes Grated horseradish ...

Mix the minced meat with mustard, chopped capers and crushed garlic. Form the meat into four large patties. Fry them in Golden butter or margarine 3-5 min. on each side. Garnér steaks with grated horseradish and roasted potatoes.