Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Milk

Mains EVS. 1-2 cloves finely chopped garlic and/or 1-2 tbsp. finely chopped fresh thyme Milk Small chopped onion ...

Mix it all together and pour into a small pan or gratin. Bake about 1 hour at 220 degrees (hot air about 200 degrees). Served with green salad, potatoes, sauce, red cabbage and anything else. Can also be eaten cold on bread or with potato salad, etc.

Cakes Salt Sugar Margarine ...

Stirred in machine. Raise 30 minutes. Dough out on the table, add extra flour to knead and form and raise again. Roll out to approx. 1 cm thick bottom baked 10-15 minutes at 210 degrees (Fits plate 40 x 34 cm + 5 bowls) tips: Grease the bottom with b

Cakes in form Orange Orange Peal thereof Orange juice ...

Turn on the oven at 175 degrees C. Wash the apple thoroughly. Cake: Whip the margarine and sugar together. Then whip flour, baking soda, vanilla sugar and cocoa in. Then egg, orange juice and milk. Chop the chocolate roughly and mix it with the orange p

Cake add-ons Chopped nuts Chopped 70% chocolate Grahams ...

Mix the ingredients and fill in muffin mold or cake form. Bake in oven at 175 ° C for approx. 25 min.

Drinks (cold) Apple Orange juice Plum ...

Blend 3 pieces. kiwi 1 piece. apple 2 pcs. pear 1 piece. plum Juice from 1st piece. lemon Juice from 1st piece. orange 1 liter of milk 2 tablespoon stevia 1 teaspoon maca 1 teaspoon of mesquite 2 teaspoon hyben 1 teaspoon of brittle powder tips:

Mains Lasagne sheets Pepper Grated nutmeg, optional ...

Arrow and chop onions. Heat the oil and season the onion and meat. Add tomatoes with sprinkles and spices with crushed garlic, salt, pepper and basil. Let the mixture spin together approx. 10 minutes. Sprinkle the spinach into butter. Season with salt and p

Mains All around spice Bacon into strips Bøfkrydderi ...

Bake beef and pork in a bowl of feta cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, onions, garlic, oatmeal and milk, salt and pepper, all together and come in a refractory dish or French bread. The bacon is on top of like the left hair into The oven (hot air) 200 degrees for ab

Mains Bacon into strips Grated cheese Chopped tomatoes ...

The torteline is boiled separately in a saucepan. Bacon cut into squares and divide into a pan and sweat to golden, add chopped tomatoes, cream and garlic. Use a 1/4 liter milk in the sauce. Boil and season with salt and pepper. Pour the tomato into a refra