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Recipes with Lemon juice

Desserts (cold) Lemon juice Rod vanilla Cane sugar ...

The cherries halved and udstenes. Sugar, beer and vanilla cooked together and is reduced to syrup consistency. Sugar, cherry and vanilla put in the dish and warmed up over a water bath to sugar is dissolved and liquid from cherries is pulled out. Sifted fro

Desserts (cold) Lemon peel thereof Lemon juice Prunes macerated in 4.5 dl water ...

Com sveskerne in a pan with the water they are put to soak in. Add lemon zest and boil them until tender. Drip sveskerne and save væden. Remove the stones and purer sveskerne in a blender. Stir the lemon juice and sugar in. stir so much moisture in the mixture

Desserts (cold) Milk Salt Sugar ...

'S marrow for splinters of bone, rinse it in cold water and let it lie in cold water for 30 min. Let marrow drip. Melt it in a water bath, si it and let it cool. Put the breadcrumbs in a bowl, add the milk and stir. Mal tonsils or chop them very well in a kitc

Desserts (cold) Banana Lemon juice Blackberries ...

Tykmælken is stirred with vanilla sugar. The banana cut into small pieces and Add. Isinglass are soaked in a little cold water. Husblasen melted in lemon juice. The melted gelatin added to tykmælken. Equilibrate to the will be fixed. The mixture is poured into

Pickling Dark Rum Atamonpulver Black currant ...

Rib berries of stems and blame them. Came the berries in a thick-bottomed saucepan and add the sugar and lemon juice. Bring to the boil and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Stir regularly into the pan. Add ½-1 dl dark rum and stir it in finally, the jam. Add a

Desserts (cold) Lemon juice Cinnamon Corn flour ...

Beat the egg whites until stiff with 3-4 drops of lemon. Whisk half of the sugar with the mass is tough and stiff. Mix the rest of the sugar with corn flour, cinnamon and chopped walnuts and turn it gently in meringue mass. On bagpapir be 5-6 cakes with a diam

Drinks (cold) Sugar dishes taste Bunches fine elderberry flowers Lemon juice ...

Let the flowers draw in certain items in three days. Squeeze the liquid out of them and mix the sugar in a little at a time, for the flowers gives much sweetness. Season with a little lemon juice. Let the liqueur stand in some weeks and drink it in small

Desserts (cold) Lemon juice Øoklogisk whipping cream Strawberry ...

Turn the washed strawberries in sugar and lemon juice and got it in a pan and simmer 5 min. it turns into compote, and pour it into a bowl and let it get cold. Whip the cream and turn it into Strawberry kompotten, only then the still is striped. Served in t