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Recipes with Lemon juice

Sides Salt Ground cumin Lemon juice ...

Aubergine bake as soon as in the microwave. Dot it, wrap it in paper towel and give the 4 min. on each side at full power. In a normal temperature. oven must be laid bare the Aubergine into the oven and have approx. 1 hour at 200 degrees. The cooled Eggp

Sides Lemon juice Cream or creme fraiche Avocado ...

Blend the onion with avocado-flesh, a little lemon juice and cream or sour cream. Add a large handful watercress, and eat it as a snack or as a sauce for smoked Tenderloin, smoked salmon or ham.

Dressing Honey Boiling water Lemon juice ...

Getting all the ingredients for the vinaigretten-apart from the water-in a food processor or a blender. Blend approx. 30 seconds, came as the boiling water in and blend further in 10 seconds. Vinaigretten can stay a week, covered and cool

Dressing Salt Garlic Grated lemon peel ...

Mix olive oil, lemon juice, lemon zest, garlic and slat in a large bowl.

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Rice and pasta are cooked according to instructions and cool. The pasta can be hosed with cold water. Stir together the marinade and season with salt and pepper. The apples cut into very thin slices. They reversed in the marinade. Rice, pasta and vårsalat are

Mains (for a low-fat version can Greek Freshly ground pepper Oil ...

chop the fish in a food processor add the egg cream and flour and chives salt and pepper blend again and forcemeat is ready for washing the potatoes slice them in both and turn them into oil salt and pepper come on them in a baking pan and bake them in the ove

Appetizers Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Taste lumpfish ROE with salt, pepper and a little lemon juice. Arrow and notch rød1øget very fine and mix it gently with lumpfish ROE and finely minced chives. Cut the bread into thin slices. Butter the bread with a little butter and grating it on a hot pan