Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Green bell pepper

Soups Crème fraiche 38% Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

Cut the meat into smaller cubes and swirl add coarse onion and season them for 3 minutes. Add the pepper fruit to the tern, carrots in slices (can be omitted) and the other ingredients (except potatoes and cream cheese) Bring the soup in the boil and foam

Mains Fintklippet parsley Pepper Salt ...

Cut the meat slices and lightly with the sliced ​​onions in butter * In the pot are the peeled potatoes cut into slices with salt and pepper, maybe a little butter * Over pour broth, and under low fry until the potatoes are tender, approx. 10-12 min .. * A

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Man forms the father of pickles. Then season them with salt, pepper and paprika and rub them on the forehead, but only until there are brown on both sides. Then let the steaks cool off. Then cut pepper, onions and mushrooms into small pieces and fry this on

Soups Chilli A few potatoes or URgræskar.det can make the soup a little thicker Green beans ...

The vegetables are chopped well and boiled. Flaked tomatoes added. Spices are added The boiling is added. Take care that it can be strong. Coconut milk is added At last cooking, it is possible to add finely chopped cauliflower, mushrooms, cashew nuts, pea

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme, dried ...

Chop fine the onion and the garlic is squeezed. Pores cut into thin rings as thoroughly rinsed in a sieve under running water. The carrots peeled and rives, the green bell pepper cut into cubes and mushrooms, cleaned and chopped fine. Sauté the onion and

Lunch Flat-leaf parsley Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

Remove frøstol and stem from the peppers and chop them together with the onion. Scald the tomatoes, remove the skin and chop them. Ophed oil in a deep frying pan, sauté the onion, pebrene, the tomatoes and the chopped parsley. Stir constantly and lower the hea

Sides Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

Sauté onion and garlic in oil, finhakket until onions are clear, but has not taken any significant color. Sprinkle paprika over and let it sear a little vinegar and add the broth with.. Make peberfrugten able and cut it into cubes. Peel the tomatoes by dipping

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Koteletterne seasoned with salt and pepper. Invert the first in flour, then in beaten egg and finally in breadcrumbs. FRY on pan in butter or margarine 4-5 minutes on each side. Ratatouille: vegetables are cleaned and cut into cubes. Came the oil in the