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Recipes with Green bell pepper

Mains Jævning Green bell pepper Lemon pepper ...

Remove skins or nets. Cut lengthwise around the hamburger back, so that it eventually can be scrolled in one long piece, which is 1-2 cm thick. Butter Crunch thin with Dijon-mustard. Sprinkle with light hand (preferably fresh, minced) Rosemary and thyme an

Salads Romainesalatblade Freshly ground black pepper Salt ...

Arrow and finely chop the garlic. Does fungi able and cut them into slices. Rinse the peppers, crack them and traps them under the grill. Striml the peppers finely. Arrow the onion and cut it into thin slices. Mix Italian dressing with garlic, basil, oregano,

Mains Leaf celery Carrot Handful of fresh herbs ...

Cut the onion in thin slices, and crush the garlic. Cut the other ingredients in coarse cubes. A large pot heats up with olive oil. Saute the vegetables for about 10 minutes. The peeled tomatoes poured in, and place the lid on. Let it boil at high heat fo

Mains Liquid magarine (becel) White vinseddike Oil ...

Enter first squas, tomatoes after rinsing. Slice and also the potatoes all skives in so thin as possible. Share the Aubergine in half wash and slice and Aubergine (pour a little white wine vinegar and a little salt), slice and red and green bell peppers. Cut t

Appetizers Fresh parsley Green bell pepper Red bell pepper ...

1) the big potatoes put to boil. While they cook, chop the parsley-onion-tomatoes and bell peppers. Pour it into a large bowl and add the cheese. Salt came in. 2) mash the potatoes in the bowl, then everything gets mixed together. 3) Fill a tortilla wit

Sides Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Cook the pasta with a little salt and cool it off. Cut the peppers and cucumber into small cubes, peanuts cut into thin slices. Garlic, Sun-dried tomato and chilli (Seedless) chopped finely and mix in creme fraichen, season with salt and pepper. Fry the ba

Salads Pepper Salt Parsley ...

Scrub the potatoes well and let them cook for 15 min. Flush them with cold water, Willow them and let them be cold. Boil the eggs until they are hard boiled, 8-10 min. Flush them in cold water, Willow them and share them into quarters. Rinse, nip and halve th

Mains Green haricot verts A little rose water Salt ...

Came the chicken in the freezer (it must lie there in my 20 mins.). Smut tonsils (this is done most easily by putting them in soak in a bowl with a lid, in boiling water and change the water 2-3 times with new boiling water). Clean and cut all the vegetables