Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Eggs

Lunch Rough Mediterranean salt Cheese Eggs ...

Roll out dough into approximately ½ cm thickness and brush with the beaten egg. Cut it into strips with a rolling track and sprinkle either with salt or finely grated cheese. Put the rods on the baking tray with baking paper and (wring or twist them, if desire

Mains Eggs Peeled tomatoes Chopped green chili ...

Sauté the meat in butter with onions. Add dean dip, krydderimis, peeled tomatoes, green chilies and salt. Let it simmer without lid in 10-15 min. Stir occasionally. Stir in half of the grated cheese with cottage cheese and egg in a bowl. Fill 1/3 of meat

Cakes in form Bicarbonate of soda Oil margarine Buttermilk ...

Whisk eggs and powdered sugar into white foam. Mix buttermilk and oil margarine with lemon rind and add the mixture to the egg foam. Then mix in corn starch, flour and bicarbonate of soda together and turn the whole thing into egg foam. The dough pour in a

Cakes in form Milk Water Wheat flour ...

Whisk the whole eggs thoroughly with sugar, and stir in melted somewhat cooled margarine in, term cocoa, flour and baking powder together and stir in the eggs alternately with boiling water and milk, put wax paper in a small buttered baking pan and fill the do

Cakes in form Cinnamon, ground Oil Vanilla sugar ...

Eggs and sugar whipped white and frothy. Stir oil, flour and baking powder in it and spices. Turn finally grated squash and chopped nuts (optional). Bake for approximately 25 X 35 cm form. with wax paper by 175 degrees c. alm. oven for 40 minutes. All th

Mains Cucumber Bean sprouts Fresh basil ...

Filling: Glass noodles are put to soak in hot water for 15-20 min, cut short. Skyøre mushrooms be soaked in warm water for 30 min, nip hard parts of wash, afdryppes, chopped fine. Mix all stuffing in a bowl and stir it well. The stuffing may either be sc

Lunch Lime both for garnish Plenty of oil for frying Lemon grass fintsnittet ...

The shrimp thaw and tamper-proof, and the black string is removed by opening the prawns in the back with a small incision. Chop the shrimp. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan or saucepan. Form forcemeat into balls with a spoon

Mains Pepper Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Crush the garlic and mix it with lemon and parsley into the fat, and the cold. Scallops are changed in egg and bread crumbs and deep-fried in the heated oil to the surface is crispy (approx. 3 min.). Lemon butter melted in a small saucepan and pour over