Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Eggs

Cakes in form Whipped cream Wheat flour Sugar ...

Stir in marzipan and sugar together. Stir in the eggs one at a time and stir the flour in fill the dough in a baking pan, approximately 35x22 cm, and forbag the Middle Groove on at 200 degrees c. alm. oven for 12 min. The egg yolks and sugar is stirred toge

Cakes in form Bicarbonate of soda Vanilla sugar Softened margarine ...

Margarine is stirred with sugar and sugar. Stir in the eggs. Cocoa, vaniliesukker, soda and flour sifted together and stir in the batter alternately with sour milk. Pour into a small baking dish (30 x 40), and bake on the lower Groove in the oven at 180 º, in

Cakes in form Fine salt Bicarbonate of soda Vanilla sugar ...

Whip the eggs with the sugar. Term the flour together with the vanilla sugar, salt, baking powder, soda and cinnamon. Turn the flour into the eggs with oil and carrots. The batter is poured into a greased, breadcrumbs sprinkled shape, and bake in the middle of

Cakes in form Various fruit-cocktail cherries candied orange peels or green sukat. like all mixed Carnations Ginger ...

Butter and sugar stir soft and foamy, and herein the eggs one at a time, then the flour with soda, spices and finally the ground almonds, sour cream, and finally, the jam. Everything blended well and spread in a baking pan that has been lined with wax paper or

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Whipped cream ...

The chopped nuts, leeks into thin slices and mushrooms into slices svitets in oil in a hot pan. Romsmarin, Thyme, salt and pepper are added according to taste the ingredients cooling off in a bowl. When the temperature has fallen slightly while stirring con

Mains Basil, fresh Pepper Olive oil ...

Mix grated celery, grated cheese, pressed garlic, egg and breadcrumbs and season with salt and pepper. Tube forcemeat well and form 4 patties. Cook the pasta al dente according to the bag's instructions. Rose Meanwhile celery steaks Golden in half of the

Mains Nutmeg Oil Pepper ...

1 kg. tomatoes cut into slices, and place on a platter 2 large onions cut into paper-thin rings are distributed over the tomatoes, seasoned with salt and pepper, and with oil and a little vinegar onto the potatoes are cooked. Rives, when they are cold, mix wit

Mains Herbal salt Virgin olive oil Eggs ...

Peel peeled and coarsely grated. Mix with 2 together beaten eggs, turmeric and herbal salt. The oil is warmed up in a frying pan and celery mixture accepted on. The FRY by good heat on both sides until it is light brown and coherent. Can be served as a separat