Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Egg yolks

Cakes in form Baking soda Sugar Desiccated coconut ...

The margarine is crumbled in the dry parts and the dough quickly gathers the dough flowers, the dough is cooled for about 1/2 hour in a cold place. The filling: Coconut flour, sugar and egg whites are stirred together. 2/3 of the dough is rolled out thinly and

Mains EVS. juice of 1 lemon Pepper Salt ...

Heat the oven up to 150 degrees. Remove the leaves from the leaves and cut the stem away. Divide the leaves into smaller pieces and blanch them into leachate water. Divide the salmon into 4 servings and put them in a greased, refractory form and put it i

Mains Nutmeg Garlic Butter ...

Cut the zucchini into small pieces and place them in a pan with a little olive oil and garlic. Saute them so they are tender and put them in a blender, add salt and pepper and blend to a coarse lot. Season the spinach with oil and put it in a sieve, so all the

Desserts (cold) Eggs Port wine Cacao ...

The walnuts are shaken on a dry pan, cooled and chopped well. Eggs egg yolks and sugar whipped white. Whipped cream and cocoa are easily whipped and turned into the egg mixture together with the walnuts. The ice is poured into a mold and placed in the freezer

Mains Pepper Juice of ½ lemon Salt ...

Cut the lamb for about 3 cm. Big cubes. The flask is cut out small. Peel the onion and chop the garlic cloves and cut into quarters. Thyme and rosemary rinse, shake dry, leaves and needles peel off the stems and chop well. Bring the fries on a frying pan an

Soups A little cayenne pepper Oil Minced parsley ...

Gently heat the oil into a soup. Add with stirring onion, garlic, paprika and cayenne pepper. The onions should not be brown but be clear and soft. Then bring the bread and turn up the heat, the bread must be golden. Add salt and broth and boil. Then let the s

Mains White pepper Salt Worcestershire sauce (English sauce) ...

The lid is peeled and chopped fine. The ham is cut into smaller pieces and chopped as nicely as possible. Onion and ham are mixed in a bowl of egg yolk and cream, stir well and season with salt, pepper and worcestershiresauce. A flat ovenproof dish is brush

Soups White pepper A little ground cinnamon Just a little offended rose paprika ...

Cut the meat into small cubes. Let the butter become golden while stirring. Then the water is stirred for a while, the soup is allowed to boil, season with salt and pepper and spin for 30 minutes for low heat. The egg yolks are whipped thoroughly with lemon