Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Crème fraiche 38%

Mains Bay leaves Peppercorn Thyme ...

The animal back from the shackles of the thick tendon, which is sitting on top of the fillets. On the underside the loin sitting. Cut it off and put it aside. Back lubricated with oil and FRY 2 x 15 minutes in the oven at 250 degrees (C). When the back is c

Mains Nutmeg, freshly grated Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

Share cod fillet into serving pieces. Butter a baking dish and place the cod pieces in. mix bread crumbs, grated nutmeg, minced parsley salt and pepper to taste and sprinkle over cod. White wine is poured by together with lemon juice to taste. Put the dish in

Mains Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Crème fraiche 38% Peeled tomatoes, canned ...

The meat is cut into squares as Brown, the onions chopped and sauté. There are seasoned with salt, pepper and paprika. The green pepper cut into cubes and add along with the juice from the tomatoes and broth. The right cooker on low heat in 30-45 minutes.

Mains Green bell pepper Paprika, edelsuss Salt ...

The meat is cut into cubes and Brown in margarine. Onions in large cubes in the Pan and Brown with. Paprika sprinkled over and stir around until it is distributed. Salt and water are added, and the right småkoger ca. 1/2 time. The peppers cut into strips. T

Mains Pepper Salt Crushed juniper berries ...

Fasanerne is split into 4 pieces each, Brown well in the margarine in pan, be taken up. Onions and apples cut small fry, the pheasant and put it back into the pan the same down the spices, broth and red wine. Simmer on low heat about 45 minutes under the li

Mains EVS. a little butter for frying Sea salt Little sauces suit ...

Sødkogte potatoes: Potatoes scrubbed thoroughly in cold water and cut into approx. 5 mm. thick slices. The slices in a pan added 1 dl. water, 1 dl. Bourbon whiskey and 6-7 tbsp. sugar. Potato slices are cooked tender under the lid. Flame duck breast: Duck b

Appetizers Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Dill, fresh Lemon ...

The tomatoes should be drained to approximately half. Drain the tuna and stir well in a bowl. The eggs boil about 8 minutes, chop coarsely and place in the tuna along with the peeled tomatoes, which are chopped well. Everything is stirred well with sour cream-

Soups Chopped tomatoes, canned Cumin, ground Paprika ...

Cut the meat into bite-sized pieces. Inserts baconet into cubes. Arrow and chop the onion. Peel carrots and potatoes and cut them into small pieces. Melt the fat and roast bacon cubes in it. Brown saw the meat. Let grønagerne Brown with. Pour water and toma