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Recipes with Cointreau

Drinks (cold) Ice cream Egg white Danish water ...

Rum, lime, Cointreau, egg white, sugar shakes vigorously with ice. The entire pour into a highball glass with ice cubes in. fill up with Danish water and garnish with orange slices

Drinks (cold) Ice cream Lemon juice from canned Cointreau ...

Fill ice cream in a bowl. Rum, Cointreau, lemon juice, soda water and curacao are added and stir (if the punch is too tart, add a tbls. sugar, or punch served in glass with sugar edge). The punch garneres with lemon slices and mint leaves.

Drinks (cold) Lemon juice from here Grenadine Cointreau ...

Put the ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.

Drinks (cold) Milk Hot tea Cointreau ...

Com Rome and cointreau in a coffee mugs and fill up with hot tea. Add a few drops of milk and server.

Drinks (cold) Egg white Lime juice Cointreau ...

Put the ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.

Drinks (cold) Milk Cointreau Kahlúa ...

Put the ingredients in a shaker with ice and strain into highball glass with ice.

Drinks (cold) Cointreau Lime juice thereof Lime ...

pour the crushed ice in a shaker and add the vodka, cointreau, cranberry juice and lime juice. Shake until the fogged up. SI it over in a coctailsglas and garnish with a slice of lime.

Drinks (cold) Sugar-syrup cola Lemon juice Cointreau ...

com half of ice cubes in a mixerglas. Add the vodka, gin, rum, tequila, cointreau, lemon juice and sugar syrup. stir well and si it over in a tall glass, which is almost completely filled up with the rest of the ice. Fill with cola and garnish with lemon boat.