Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Coconut milk

Mains Coconut milk Eggs Fish sauce ...

Chop coarsely with seafood curry paste, peanut butter and lime juice. Whisk eggs with coconut milk and fish sauce and stir it so in fish mass. Let it soak in cold 20-30 minutes. Collect banana leaves with roast needle or toothpick to square small bowls, pla

Mains Half of the above portion of Red Curry A little sugar Pepper ...

Curry: Grate cumin and coriander in a dry pan and paint it to powder in coffee grinder or mortar. MOS the evt. udkernede chilies with salt, lemon zest, lemon grass, onions peeled and finally it bumped powder from before. A hand blender is suitable for the purp

Sides Peanuts Lemon grass Ginger ...

Peel the ginger and lemon grass and chop it finely. Chop the nuts coarsely ground. Melt the butter in a pan and sauté the rice in 2 minutes. Add the coconut milk, water, Lemongrass, salt and ginger. Put the lid on and let it cook for 10 minutes. Let the ric

Mains Ground white pepper Ground cumin Finhakket kaffir lime ...

Low first the green curry paste. Shock the ingredients together in a mortar, in turn until you have a thick paste. It will provide approximately 3 tbsp. pasta. You should only use 1 tbsp. for this recipe, but the rest can be stored in a tightly closed glass ja

Mains Wheat flour for Breading Vegetable oil for frying Lemon juice ...

Roll the minced beef into small meatballs and friend them in a thin layer of flour. Friter the meatballs until they are golden brown and through the fried. Dripping of grease on absorbent paper. Peanut sauce: remove most of the oil from the Pan, but leave 1

Mains Coconut milk Wild duck Fish sauce ...

Blend onion, garlic, lemon grass, shallots and chilies to lind paste and grate it in the indkogte coconut milk. It shall stand! Add the sugar and fish sauce. Brown in oil and fry the other in 18 min at 200. Let it pull in 15 min. the artichokes cooked in water

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes ...

Sauté onion and garlic in a frying pan to set the Curry. Came the frossne shrimp in the Pan and let them cook with the liquid is reduced. Add the chopped tomatoes and coconut milk let small simmer for approximately 10 min. serve with noodles. Tips: very ea

Mains Pepper Salt Hvidkåls main ...

Peel, remove the seeds and cut flesh græskarret in large cubes of approximately 4 x 4 x 4 cm. Arrow and chop onion, garlic and chilli and fry it gently in oil in a pan. Cashews, air-dried white cabbage, turmeric and curry powder is added and after 5 minutes