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Recipes with Coconut milk

Sauces Finely chopped ginger Oil Paprika ...

Onion, garlic, chili and Ginger FRY in a little oil for a few minutes. Peanuts are crushed in a parsley grinder and mix with the remaining ingredients and it all cooked to a creamy sauce.

Mains Champingon on demand Curry Pepper ...

Brown chicken pieces along with curry in a pot for they have become golden brown. It is a matter of taste, how strong you like curry dishes, but you can always add extra Curry finally when one tastes. Add the pineapple and juice away. Add the coconut milk,

Mains Or 1 ds. tomato concentrate Fresh or dried chili after taste Pepper ...

The fish placed in a baking dish. The henkogte tomatoes, or tomato concentrate is distributed over, then coconut milk. Fresh or dried chili sprinkled over, as well as salt and pepper. Made in a 200-degree preheated oven for about 35 minutes. Serve with URf.ek

Mains Fenugreek seeds Fenikelfrø Gurkemaje ...

Curry: The whole spices (cinnamon, not lauerbær-and Curry leaves) toasting on a dry pan and jabbed coarsely in a mortar, and the rest of the spices mixed in (except cinnamon, lauerbær and Curry leaves). Onion, garlic, ginger and chopped celery and sauté togeth

Soups Shrimp Water Curry ...

Karryen is burned off in the margarine. Onions, carrots and leek and sauté in it. Tomatoes and coconut milk is added. The Tin of tomatoes filled with water twice and pour into. Peaches and shrimp added, just before severing. Bon appétit!

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

The onions are chopped and svitset in oil and Curry. Make sure to burn karryen. Add kylligefilet (with benefit cut them in bite-sized pieces) and svist them well. Add the chopped carrots, Leek in rings grof, coarsely chopped peppers and mushrooms and let it si

Mains Green curry paste Chicken breast Rice ...

Cut the chicken breast into strips and fry them in a wok with 2 tbsp green curry paste. When the chicken is completely done leaning to coconut milk over and give it a short rehash. The chicken should not simmer in coconut milk, it simply just warmed up in cour

Drinks (cold) Coconut milk Crushed ice Soy milk el semi-skimmed milk ...

1 fault and nip jorbærene 2 blend Strawberry coconut milk and milk 3 got crushed ice in a glass and pour the mixture here of 4 servers smoothien with straws Tips: energy: 860kj protein 13% carbohydrate 57% fat 30%