Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Coconut milk

Mains Bamboo shoots Handful of fresh coriander Lime ...

Cut the chicken meat into mundane pieces, ginger in thin spelled and chop the garlic well. Cut the mushrooms into slices and chilli in thin rings. Heat the oil in a wok and season the meat for a few minutes with ginger and garlic. Slide the meat to the side

Mains Bamboo shoots Lemon grass Handful of sweet basil ...

Pour boiling water over the black mushrooms and let them pull for approx. 10 minutes. Cut the beef into thin strips, ginger in thin spelled, lemon slice in slices and chop the garlic nicely. Pour the water from the mushrooms and cut into strips. Cut the chilli

Soups Olive oil Coconut milk Small teaspoon. cardamom ...

Preparation: Blend onion and blend peas / corn separately Season spices, then add onions and let them roast for a short time. Then add 3 dl. Milk and boil and then stir the corn / peas. Taste with salt. Pour the coconut milk and boil. Taste with vinegar

Mains Onion finely cut Milk Pepper ...

the water is put over with the same to the rice so fit the timing excellent. the chicken fried in a good heat in butter to it has just gotten a little color over it all then add Curry. Let Curry put it and then add the salt, pepper and sugar. Next steps it

Mains Pepper Parsley Juice of ½ lime ...

The oil is heated in a wok and the curry paste is swirled in it. Add coconut milk and let the sauce boil through. Taste with fish sauce, lime juice, sugar and salt. Peel the yellow and green squash into thin strips with a potato peeler. Cut the peppers into s

Mains Squash Spring onions and oyster sauce taste Garlic ...

First, cut the chicken or pork into strips (if not bought, intended for wok). Step it on the forehead until it's finished (about 5-7 min). The noodles are poured onto the forehead and empty a can of coconut milk too. While the meat is fried, cut the veg

Mains Mango chutney Pepper Salt ...

Cut the slice into the tern and wrap them on a pan in oil together with squeezed garlic. When golden, add the chicken. When the chicken is cooked, add the curry paste, approx. A big spit, but it depends on the strength you want. Stir the pasta well into the c

Mains Pepper Salt Chicken broth ...

Cut onions, carrots and meat in small terns. Heat the butter in a large saucepan and sautr for 5 minutes. Add carrots and meat, continue on approx. 5 min. Until the meat is brown. Cut the apples into the tern. Stir tomatoes, apples and curry and cook on 2-3