Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Coarse salt

Desserts (warm) Finely grated lemon zest (ECO) Coarse salt Sugar ...

Mix flour, sugar, salt and lemon peel. Whip the milk for a little while, for a lump-free dough. Whip the eggs in. Melt the butter in the pan and pour it into the dough. Bake the pancakes with even heat (½ dl dough per pancake) until they are light brown on bot

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Dried Rosemary ...

Pour the boiling water over the sun-dried tomatoes and let them pull for approx. 2min. Let the tomatoes drip into a sieve. Save 2 tbsp. Of the effluent. Chop the tomatoes well. Stir the chopped meat with salt for approx. 1 min. Come onion, garlic, rosemary

Lunch Coarse salt Wheat flour Margarine ...

Beat the eggs in a bowl, whisk with salt and flour to a dough without lumps. Add the milk a little at a time. Heat a pan well and add a little margarine and stir the pancakes. Keep warm until the filling is on. Make a taste of meat / vegetable filling an

Mains Coarse salt Wheat flour to jævning Pepper ...

Heat the oven to 200 degrees C. Mix meat, rasp. Onions, milk, salt and pepper. Eat it into a uniform father and form the father of a loaf of bread. Place the dough in a greased oven dish. Cover the top with bacon slices. Peel the potatoes, cut them and clea

Mains Aluminum foil Bread Coarse salt ...

Salad: Soak and boil the white beans according to the instructions on the package and allow them to cool (soak the evening before use). Nip the green bean and boil them in leachate water until they are tender (6-8 minutes). Pour the water and rinse them with

Mains Coarse salt Pepper Comments ...

The potatoes are peeled and cooked almost tenderly. Chicken fillets are roasted: 9 min at medium heat. Eggplant is cut in tern Fennel cut into thin slices Red onions are peeled and cut into both Garlic pilles The oil is warmed up and two cloves of garlic

Appetizers Coarse salt Pepper Cream 13% ...

The egg yolks are stirred together with salt, pepper, minced spinach and cream. The egg whites are whipped stiff and added to the pulp. The mass is poured onto the baking sheet coated with baking paper. It must be for approx. ½-1 cm. thickness. Bake at 200

Mains Freshly ground pepper Finely chopped mild red chili pepper Coarse salt ...

Bring the oil in a large pot or wok. Step the nuts until they have taken color. Take the nuts up and save them for later. Bring half of onions, garlic, chili and meat to the pan and cook until it has taken color. Take it up and save it with the nuts. Stir the