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Recipes with Cinnamon

Drinks (warm) Strong French rhonevin or Spanish navara Almond splitter Raisins ...

Com 1 dl. wine in a pan with the cinnamon, cardamom and cloves. Bring to simmer, and simmer, covered, in ½ hour. Let it soak overnight in the refrigerator. SI. Com in the rest of the wine extract, which heats up to 60 degrees, add raisins and almonds and seaso

Cakes in form Apples Cinnamon Sugar ...

Flour, sugar, margarine, rice Krispies and cinnamon chopped together into a smuldredej. Apples peeled and cut into both and be layered in the ten pie dish, Sprinkled with a little sugar and cinnamon. Crumble dough sprinkled over. Bake for about 35 minutes a

Cookies Eggs Chopped hazelnuts Eminent cake margarine ...

Mix all ingredients, the dough should only just run together. Rolled in sausage. Allow to cool and cut into thin slices about 3 mm. Bake at about 200 ° C in 8-10 minutes

Bread, buns & biscuits Egg for brushing Ginger Cinnamon ...

Milk lunes, yeast is mixed in it. Margarine and break into pieces in the flour. Milk, salt, aromatic Irishman and pomeranskal added. The dough is kneaded well through. Made to uplift a warm place approximately 40 min. Dough turned down and shaped into buns. Af

Cookies EVS. food coloring Carnations Eggs ...

Dough: Margarine, syrup and brown sugar melted in a pan, for it is not crunching longer (do not boil). Made for cooling. Spices and soda is stirred in with eggs and half of the flour. Let the dough rest until it is cold. Meanwhile made template of the Ch

Breakfast & brunch Cinnamon Butter Sugar ...

Toast the bread greased with butter (or vegetable margarine) Sugar and cinnamon mix (about double compared to cinnamon sugar) And sprinkled on top of the Buttered toast. And then it just in a 200 degrees oven for about 10 minutes. Serve, if desired. with

Desserts (cold) Cocoa Cinnamon Chestnut puree, naturel à 425 g ...

Mix chestnut puree with sugar and vanilla sugar in a bowl and stir in the puree smooth. Add the sour cream a little at a time and stir cinnamon in. Whip the cream stiff and mix it in the puree with light hand. Freeze then chestnut puree in about 2 hours, so it

Sides Apples Honey Cinnamon ...

Heat a frying pan at about 200 degrees. Cut the apples into small barrel washers and sprinkle a tiny bit of cinnamon over. When the Pan is hot pour you a little honey on the forehead. show one leaning heavily on his forehead comes to taste very sweet and