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Recipes with Chili

Mains 1/4-1/2 broccoli Chili Curry (1/2 tsp – strøget) ...

The chicken is cut into cubes or strips and FRY in a little oil. A little curry powder sprinkled over. Kylligen be set aside. Carrots, peppers and onions cut into strips and mushrooms into slices. All the vegetables FRY in oil. Pressed garlic, horseradish,

Mains Basillikum pesto Bread Chili ...

Mix a bit of pestoen with the finely chopped chilli and olive. Lyft skin from the chicken pieces and butter pesto mixture onto meat. Put the skin back into place. Seasoned with salt and pepper and FRY in the oven at 200 ° for kødsaften is ready. Porresaute

Mains Chili Chopped tomatoes Onion ...

Slice the tenderloin out for steaks, season them with salt + pepper and brown them on a hot sautepande. Pull them off and set aside. Slice the onion into small pieces and fry them in oil until they are lightly golden. Add the garlic and then the cleaned mu

Mains Boiled jasminris Pepper Juice of 2 limes ...

Scrape the scales of salmon fillet with a fork. Cut the fillets into 4 equal pieces. cut small incisions in the skin. Heat the oil up on a slip easy-pan, and put multestykkerne on the forehead with the skin side down. Do not touch the fish the first 2 min. P

Mains Peas Chili Fluts ...

The pasta is cooked. Bacon Brown in a pan with the oil, the oil and bacon in the Pan at the same time and must heat up along with the bacon is well browned and when it is well browned onion and peas in the now accepted warmed it all well through and it is seas

Mains 1 tsp. Salt Chili Dyveldræk (Indian hing) ...

Lentils, spinach, brought to the boil in water (possibly together with salt, if you want his food salt). When it boils down to the heat, so there must be screwed right stands and simmer. In a frying pan heats the oil with mustard seeds, when these POPs is b

Mains Chili Oil Oregano ...

Cut the onions into cubes, the same with squashen, and chop the garlic finely. The green pepper fruits should be cut into strips. Fry the onions and garlic in a sufficiently amount of oil, until golden. Then add the diced squash and pepper fruit strips, for

Mains Chili Pepper Salt ...

all the ingredients are mixed well together and pulls the ½ hour. form forcemeat as sausages on 10 cm. fried on the grill, grill pan or alm pan in olive oil. Tips: serve with crunchy salad and ajvar, kartofffelbåde