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Recipes with Carrots

Sides Minced parsley A little butter for steaming Mushrooms ...

Pour onions, season the mushrooms and peel the herbs, divided into smaller bites. Stir the onions first, then the mushrooms and finally the herbs in butter and sprinkle with parsley.

Mains Marinade Herbs Dill ...

Remove the barriers on the fillets, or ask the fishmonger to do so. Cut the fillets into pieces of approx. 5 cm, and put the fish pieces in a bowl. Overlay the fish with soy sauce and white wine and let the fish pull in the marinade for approx. 15 minutes.

Mains Corn starch Chopped dill Coriander seeds ...

Sprinkle onions and carrots in 4 and place them in a bowl of coriander seeds, white wine and lemon juice and let it go to the next day. Take onions and carrots up and cut them into small terns and wipe them with a kitchen roll. Sauté them in 5 g of butter u

Soups Peas Pale celery Mushroom ...

The vegetables are made. The onions are peeled and chopped small. Peel carrots, potatoes, parsley and celery. Tear them on the rough side of the roast iron. Cut the root and top of the pores, save the last. Cut the pores into narrow rings. Then a soup of pear

Mains Pepper Salt Curry, madras ...

The onions are chopped, carrots cut into slices, cabbage and peppers are cut well. If it is not lean meat, it can be switched or grilled first, so the grease melts off. The onions are cooked ready in the bouillon. Add meat, rice and spices and finally br

Mains Cambolefrugt Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

The vegetables are cleaned and cut into not too small pieces and shaken easily on the forehead. Place the vegetables (except mushrooms) at the bottom of a refractory dish and put the fish over and finally the mushrooms. Overdo it all with a ½ bottle of white w

Sides Eggplant Calculate approximately 250 grams per person Carrots ...

Here you can use all vegetables: carrots, celery, onion, leek, squash, eggplant, peppers, corn, sun dried tomatoes. Calculate approx. 250 grams per person. The vegetables are cleaned and peeled if necessary and cut into mouth suitable pieces. Vegetables

Mains A handful of Arugula EVS. a little sauce thickens Fresh basil ...

Stir the mignon, knock it out and sprinkle it with salt and garlic sprouts. Filling: Chop the sun-dried tomatoes and spread them on the meat together with shredded turkey bacon, rucola and basil. Roll the meat together and get it with meat pins or straps w