Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Water ...

Cut bacon slices into narrow strips and grate them in a frying pan in the hot oil. Place them onto a paper towel. Cut the carrots into slices. Remove stem and frøstol from the peppers and cut them into strips. Crack Courgetterne twice lengthwise and cut them i

Mains Nutmeg Olive oil Pepper ...

Put the fillets in a bowl and mariner in red wine and oil for about 30 minutes fry them for about 20 minutes in a pan with salt and pepper. Let the fillets pull out on a piece of staniol in about 2 minutes and then slice them diagonally off to get larger slice

Pickling Preservative Carrots Water ...

The carrots scraped and torn just fine. Boil until tender with water under layers. Lemons are pressed. Sugar, lemon juice, horseradish, and finally, the jam boils 15-20 my.

Soups Lemon juice Sour cream Pepper ...

Peel the potatoes and carrots and cook them in the broth until tender. Tag root vegetables up and blend them to a smooth puree, which is poured back in the soup. Season with salt, pepper and a little lemon juice. Benefit the soup in warm plates and serve

Appetizers Finely chopped boneless anchovies or herring Minced parsley Garlic ...

Peel the carrots and cut them into slices. Boil them in salted water until tender. Blend the carrots with a little of the cooking sheet. Arrow white onions and chop them finely. Stir the garlic in the carrots together with the other ingredients. Came a few bea

Salads Garlic A little over half a broccoli Pepper ...

The salad: Roast pine kernels so they are golden, who after you peel the carrots, and cut and broccolien flushes you and cut into small sticks and then the aperture you broccolien and carrots. Mix the pine kernels and the rough blazing salad together and put i

Pickling Atamon or ¼ letter red melatin Citric acid Lemons juice thereof ...

Put the apricots soak for about 3 dl. water a day. The carrots are cooked together with coarse and tearing the apricots, iblødsætnings water, lemon juice. Lemon juice and sweetener added. It all boils in 30 minutes. There must be touched on and off into the pa

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Start with to score the fat on the calves tyndstegsfileten. Let butter and oil be browned in a skillet or in a frying pan and Brown the roast well on all sides by good heat. Then put the roast in a small roasting pan or a heat-proof platter of appropriate size