Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Mains Plentiful letsaltetvand Water Thyme ...

The peas are soaked in water for 24 hours. The peas are cooked with onions and thyme in the water as the peas are macerated in. Peas thoroughly creamed off some times along the way. When the peas are well tender taken from timianen, peas and onion blended.

Sides Pepper Horseradish Salt ...

Clean the vegetables. Slice the leek and carrot into thin slices, slice the onion and celery into small cubes. Cut the potatoes in 2-3 mm. thick slices. The vegetables are added in a ovnfastfad. Other vegetables than those mentioned may be used, red/gre

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

The potatoes peeled and cooked until tender in unsalted water. Water is poured from the potatoes and whipped to mush with the eggs. Marsh, season with salt and pepper. Fill: Onion and carrots cut into small cubes and FRY in a pan in the margarine together w

Pickling Cucumbers Cauliflower Chili ...

Lage: Sugar, mustard, spices, curry powder and vinegar mix cold. (save a little vinegar to touch up with maizenaen) Lagen boils up and added melantin and corn flour. Then boil for 10 minutes. Filling: the vegetables be rearranged and cut or peeled, in small

Soups Chervil Fix corn Almond oil ...

Smoked consommé: Chicken thigh meat mincer mincing on with the other ingredients (not tomato puree and poultry hull). Hulls chopped and smoked poultry, until golden. Everything is stirred together and put over with veal and chicken stock and boil up. Småsimrer

Sauces Bamboo shoots Pineapple pieces White wine vinegar ...

Vegetables chop on wok-addicts, the onion in both, the red pepper into thin strips and the carrots into sticks. Wok'en heats up well with a bit of oil and fry the vegetables for about 8 minutes and taken by.

Mains EVS. jævning Pepper Salt ...

Clean the vegetables. Cut the spring onions into thin slices. Cut the carrots, Zucchini and bell pepper into thin strips. Delchilipeberen, take the seeds out and chop the chili just fine. People of cut in approximately 1 cm. and cut them into half-round. Fry t

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

The carrots peeled and cut into very small cubes. Peberfrugten cleaned and cut into small cubes. The onions peeled and chopped fine. Brown the meat lightly in a pan. There should be no added fat, what little there is in the flesh, is quite sufficient. Stir dil