Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Mains Wheat flour White pepper Oil ...

Tomato gravy: take a pot put the fresh tomatoes in conjunction with ca. 5 dl. water boil them, blend them. Add salt, pepper, oregano, garlic, take the pan off. Meat sauce: take a new pan melt the margarine add onions and spices lies must be blank. Then add

Lunch Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Boil the chicken with onions, carrots, salt and pepper in 1 1/4 hour. Refrigerate the chicken and meat of the arrow. Discard hulls and skin. Clean the mushrooms and blanchér them in the soup for 3 min. stir in cremefraice and mayonnaise together and season wit

Mains Pepper Salt Acacia honey ...

All vegetables are peeled, washed and cut into large cubes. Be in a heat-proof platter and season with salt and pepper. Honey, balsamic vinegar, olive oil and sunflower seeds are added and it's all mixed well. Put in oven at 180 degrees c. alm. oven for about

Cakes in form Salt Bicarbonate of soda Vanilla sugar ...

Cake: Beat sugar and oil. Add 1 egg at a time while stirring until it foams easily. Flour is stirred together with other dry ingredients. And add to egg mixture. Then be complied with carrots, raisins and possibly. Hazelnut kernels/flakes in. Dough heldes i

Salads Lemon juice Cooking oil Raisins ...

Grate the apples and carrots in a bowl. Add a handful of raisins, a spoon of sugar, lemon juice at will (like a splash) and 2 eating spoons cooking oil and stir well. Tips: EVS. garbage the apples before they are demolished. Served like the same with potat

Cakes in form Salt Bicarbonate of soda Oatmeal ...

Cake: Beat sugar and oil. Add 1 egg at a time while stirring until it foams easily. Flour is stirred together with other dry ingredients. And add to egg mixture. Then be complied with carrots, raisins and possibly. Hazelnut kernels/flakes in. Dough heldes i

Sides Celeriac Olive oil Parsley root ...

Root vegetables cut into 1 x 1 cm cubes. Oil and rose marin blended and sieved. Root vegetables are added on a frying pan and covered accurately with water and rosemary oil, the water boils away, and root fruit fry in the remaining oil.

Mains Rucola, salad Bouillon cube, vegetable Spring onions ...

Bacon cut into strips as fried crisp on a dry pan, placed on the fat-sucking paper. Brown the fish on both sides and place it in a baking dish. Vegetables chop into appropriate pieces sautéed at the frying pan, add water, bouillon cube and cream, boil up