Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Mains Cayenne pepper Lemon juice Oil for frying-and something for the pasta ...

pasta set to boil. The onion cut into half-slices, mushrooms, sliced (half if they are large), carrots cut into sticks. The onion in the oil for shiny stejes, then add the mushrooms to the suitably fried. Add the carrots and fry a little, and then pour the cho

Mains Cayenne pepper A package fresh lasagna sheets Herbes de provence (oregano or thyme can also be used) ...

The onion chopped and sautéed in a little sugar (for later to enhance flavor of the second). Add the meat and Brown. Add tomato (chopped and puree), garlic and various spices. There may need to add some water, because it is best if the gravy now are allowed

Desserts (patisserie) Canned pineapple Carrots Pærere ...

Cut the apples into small pieces, not too small, do the same with pears and pineapple. Grate the carrots, with a cheese plane. NOTE: Rinse all fruits, first! When everything is nothing then put it down in a bowl and pour the water into the Hold on the fruit in

Mains Pepper Salt Squash (Seedless), diced ...

Turkey Breast seasoned with freshly ground pepper. Fry the bacon in a dry pan. Put a piece of fat sucking paper. In the frying fat Brown the Turkey Breast well and the meat is taken by the forehead. The rest of the fat is poured into a good saucepan. Onion and

Mains Basil, dried Pepper Salt ...

Cut the carrots in reverie Champingoner rensen and cut into slices peberfrugten cut into fine small pieces of scallions cut into ca. 1 cm-thick slices. Fry the bacon for about 5 minutes and add the beef. Sauté the vegetables in a little oil. eventually m

Bread, buns & biscuits Oil Eggs Carrots ...

5-grain mixture cooked in the water about 5 min. then pour this into a bowl and add the milk, oil, eggs, grated carrot, sugar and salt. The yeast is mixed in this and finally add the flour little by little. Formed immediately to buns (about 16 pieces) which ra

Mains Pepper Salt Tomato puree ...

Cabbages, potatoes, onions, peeled and chopped. Carrots peeled and cut into slices. It all be layered together with forcemeat, in a large pot. Add the broth, tomato paste, water, salt and pepper. Stand an hour for low heat, stir well. Tips: Serve with: A k

Salads Pepper Salt Pineapple juice ...

Rinse the cabbage and chop very fine. Carrots peeled and grated fine. Caramelized pineapple cut into small pieces and the onion cut into very fine cubes. The rest of the ingredients mixed in. Stir together the dressing and mix either in the salad or serv