Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Pasta: 1. Bring water, salt and oil to a boil in a large pot with a lid. 2. Add the pasta and boil as directed on package-without lid. 3. When pasten is cooked, pour it in a strainer. Bacon law: 4. The carrots peeled and cut into thin writes. 5. Porrene

Mains Pepper Soy sauce Spring onions ...

Take a thick-bottomed saucepan and set it on the stove over medium temp. Then add the honey and let it melt. When it has melted tlsætter you salt, pepper, scallions, carrots and soyaen. Stir it together, then immediately add chicken fillets into the dish, put

Mains Dill, fresh Boil water Parsley, fresh ...

The meat is cut into large cubes placed in a saucepan, cover with water and brought to the boil and boil for a few minutes. The meat is taken up and rinsed well and water is poured away and rinse the pan. The meat is added back into the Pan along with a may, b

Mains Fund the roast has simmered in Coarse salt Olive oil ...

Roast: Brown the roast in a large thick-bottomed pan and then pour the red wine and water over it. Put carrots, shallots and garlic in the Pan and crumble the bouillon cube into the dish. Add timianen. When It starts to boil, turn down to low flame, and then m

Mains Currypulver (hot chilli powder) Oil for frying Pepper ...

slice the onion and chile slices, garlic in small cubes, Saute them in a little oil in a pan. Add the minced beef and Brown it thoroughly. got a ½-1 tsp. full currypulver in and then add the chopped tomato from canned and tomato paste. cut the rest of the veg

Lunch Pepper Salt Margerine ...

1. switch on the oven at 200 degrees. 2. Add the flour in a bowl and rub margerinen in and crumble dough until it is grainy. 3. Add the cheese and water and collect the dough quickly with your hands. 4 Scroll dajen flat and round so that it fits the mold (a

Buffets Apple Peas Cucumber ...

Cut lettuce and all the other vegetables. Boil Pasta if this is desired, it should just be alm. Pasta screws or a smaller alternative Mix it all together to form a large unstructured or server each of the vegetables in each their Bowl so people can mix away.

Salads 1 hard boiled egg Calabrese pesto (pesto with ricotta-cheese and chili pepper) Handful of fresh parsley ...

The pasta is cooked according to instructions on package. While the rest of the salad is made clear: cut the carrots and the rest of the Peal the carrots peeled off in thin, short strips with kartoffelskrælleren. Cocktail tomatoes are washed and cut into smal