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Recipes with Canola oil

Mains Canola oil Salt Sugar ...

Stir all of the ingredients for the dough together and let it raise for about 20 minutes. In between time, the sauce is stirred. Mix all ingredinser to the sauce, and season with salt. Cut the onions in half moon shaped rings and cut the ham into small c

Mains A handful of fresh baby spinach Green Salad and Arugula Milk ...

Peel the potatoes, cut them into pieces and boil them until tender in unsalted water, approx. 20 min. drain and whip or mash the potatoes with butter and a little milk. Chop the spinach finely and stir it in. Season to taste with salt and pepper and keep warm

Mains Pepper Salt Peel of 1 orange in very fine strips ...

Heat the Canola oil and 1 tbsp of the olive oil in a frying pan. Put the chicken pieces on and rose rapidly until golden. Add the orange brandy and let it cook for 3 min. Sprinkle flour over and let it cook for 2 min. turn down the heat and add the orange juic

Appetizers Eggs Canola oil Sour cream (9%) ...

-cut the salmon and cod into smaller pieces-blend the two kinds of fish, with eggs, flour and ½ dl water, to a rough father-heat the oil in a nonstick ultra-FRY meatballs until crisp-pipe sour cream with curry powder and toss with pickles. ´ to taste with salt

Appetizers Fresh thyme Nutmeg Pepper ...

The dough come together with an egg white or 1 ½ tablespoons. water. Pre-baked in about 12 minutes at 200 degrees c. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Red and garlic in the oil is heated without Brown. Bacon, Apple (diced) chives and scallions is added. A littl

Sides Freshly ground black pepper Sea salt Parsnips or parsley roots ...

Peel root vegetables and share them lengthwise into sticks. Rub them with canola oil and season with salt and pepper, use a large bowl. Put them on a plate with wax paper and bake them in the oven at 190 degrees for about 35 minutes Turn them along the way and

Mains Allround spice Paprika Pepper ...

Whole mushrooms, half the tomatoes (cut crosswise) and onion, cut into both, be marinated in a mixture of oil with added allround kryderi. CA. 30 min. Pour it all in a freezing bag and close. Alternatively use ready-mixed all-around marinade. Koteletterne reve

Salads Pine nuts Canola oil Feta cheese ...

Rinse the lettuce and tomatoes thoroughly. The salad put in a bowl. The cherry tomatoes halved and put in Thus "rives". in with a fork. And pinjekernene tørristes on a frying pan until they are mixed in the salad. Mix everything gently, and finish with a littl