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Pickling recipes

Pickling Oranges in shell Lemons shucked Oranges shucked ...

All the fruits are driven through the meat hatcher Stir with sugar until this is dissolved The marmalade is stored in a bowl or added a little atamon tips: A nice winter marmalade Remember the citrus fruits must not be surface treated

Pickling Easy condensed the rose petals from a fragrant rose White balsamic vinegar or white wine vinegar ...

Bring the rose leaves on a clean bottle. Pour vinegar over to cover. Let it take 3-4 days. Say the leaves from. Pour the vinegar into a cleaned bottle. Close to tips: Red rose leaves give a pink vinegar.

Pickling The apricots Lemon juice Honey ...

Boil honey and lemon juice. Cut the apricots into suitable pieces and put them in. Cook it all for 5 min. By low heat and remember to touch the road so it does not burn.

Pickling Easily compressed blackcurrant leaves Sherry wine vinegar ...

Bring the rinsed, drained and diced leaves into a clean bottle. Pour the vinegar over. Let it drag for 5-6 days. Peel the leaves and pour the vinegar on a cleaned bottle. Close to Store in a refrigerator

Pickling Atamon Vanilla pod Cinnamon ...

Apples peeled, chopped out and cut into thin boats. The vanilla rod is cracked and the grains are scrapped out. Freshly ground ginger and cinnamon are placed in a pan together with apple boats, sugar and peeled vanilla grains (the split vanilla pole can also

Pickling Lemon Oranges Water ...

Mix the orange and lemon juice with water, sugar and honey and cook it until half. Stir nuts and berries in the layer and mix the mixture with glass and let it pull for 2 days.

Pickling Frozen strawberries Sugar Brown sugar ...

The strawberries and half of the honey, sour and sugar are heated to the boiling point a thickened pot. The strawberries are picked up and the boil is boiled until half. Then add the strawberries and the rest of the ingredients.