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Pickling recipes

Pickling Lemon Acacia honey Dried apricots ...

Soak the apricots and boil them to mash in water with lemon slices. Mix nuts, honey and orange juice. Heat it all for 10 min. The mixture must not boil and should rest a few days before use.

Pickling Vanilla pod Star anise Red wine vinegar ...

The onions are pilled. If it's big red onion, cut them in quarters, so they still hang together at the root. Small red onion can be poured all over. Cook the layers together and add the onions and cook for 2 minutes and pour on glass.

Pickling Liquid atamon Damson Water ...

Sprinkle and water to boil and cook to all the crushers. The juice is poured and boiled. Stir the sugar and cook with 5 min. Atamon is added. The juice is filled in hot, atamon-filled bottles that are closed. tips: Capture memories a lot about mirabe

Pickling Water Sea buckthorn Sugar per litre sieved juice ...

The rinsed berries are boiled with water. The water barely covers the fruits. Boil until all berries are broken, approx. 20 min. All of it is put into dripping in a juice bag for 1-2 hours. The amount of the dripped juice is measured, the sugar is added

Pickling Vanilla Rod without grains Sugar Water ...

Boil water and sugar with the vanilla bar. Pour the hot make over the sea towers.

Pickling Paragraph whole cinnamon Usprøjtet Orange Tomatoes ...

Cut a cross into the top of the tomatoes, dip them in boiling water and peel the skin of them. Wash the orange, cut it in the block and remove the cores. Chop the oranges roughly in a food processor, add tomatoes and run for a moment. Pour it into a pan and ad