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Lunch recipes

Lunch Pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

A few hours before serving or a day before boil the chicken in water with salt, whole peppercorns, an onion into quarters and Bay leaves. Cook with lid on low heat for about 1 ½ hours. Take the chicken up and let it cool off. Arrow the flesh of the legs and cu

Lunch Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Cut the tomatoes into slices and place them on a baking sheet with wax paper. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and bake them in the oven at 225 degrees for 10 minutes. cut the crust of the bread and cut it to fit into a kokotte or an ovenproof Bowl. Butter dishes

Lunch Eggs Wholemeal wheat flour Grahams ...

Warm the milk and dissolve the yeast in it. Add salt, sugar and eggs, and whole wheat flour, rye flour, whole wheat flour and oatmeal. Crumble the butter in almost all the flour and it came in the second, blend. Knead the dough thoroughly and add the rest of t

Lunch Grated cheese (mozzarella) Hamburyg/ham Toaster oven ...

you put a slice of bread and put something hamburyg mozzarella on and put the second bread on top of and in while you have lit up toast machine so it is nice warm. To be the lie a few min after your own opinion on when it's finished. Tips: It's called Pizz

Lunch French bread/baguette Hamburgeryg or ham Cheese (cream havarti) ...

You take a long baguette and cut over so you have two pieces. You must only use one, so you put one half away. So you take the piece you have and cut over lengthwise. Next, take you the meat and cut over lengthwise and is located at baguettet. Put you above th

Lunch Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Cream cheese-chopped red onion-sour cream and parsley mix and season with lemon juice-salt and pepper. Pancakes, curd and salmon be layered. Start and end with pancake Made cold with carpaccio tightly on until serving. Like someone hours Serve with this

Lunch Puff pastry (available in supermarkets) Dion mustard Ham into cubes or strips (about 200 g) ...

Take the dough out of the Pack, and place it on a baking sheet. Rice in every page on the long part about 3-4 cm large pieces ca ca 4 cm toward the Center. (it should be "merged later" Take the cheese, ham and dion mustard and mix everything in a bowl. (to

Lunch Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Pasta is cooked and cooled screws The other ingredients are mixed together and season with pepper, salt and lemon juice The rest are mixed in and then put on ice a few hours. and put on ice