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Lunch (to go) recipes

Lunch (to go) Ciabattaboller Hams Mild cheese (depending on taste) ...

Put buns in the oven for about 7 minutes. Slice the cheese and put in over dém, let it melt (little) and came so hams in. Is delicious even when it is cold.

Lunch (to go) A little cheasy cream cheese Ciabattaboller Onion ...

Ciabattabollerne heats and then split. Butter a thin layer of Cheasy Eighty diet on both halves. Put lettuce leaf, then Turkey cold cuts and finally onion rings on. A delicious packed lunch which keeps it fresh for a long time.

Lunch (to go) Basil pesto Ciabattabolle Smoked halibut ...

Cut the ciabattabollen half way through. Butter it with pestoen. Joined tomato slices, fish and olive slices.

Lunch (to go) Cucumber Dressing Feta ...

Shop in advance, remember, if desired. any small plastic goblets. Hot pitabrødet, slice the cucumber, pebberfrugten & lettuce in small pieces. Open the cans of corn & tuna or shrimp. Fill pitabrødet with the cucumbers, corn & salad. Fill the dressi

Lunch (to go) Coarse salt Junket Sugar ...

melt the margarine in a saucepan add the milk. Pour the mixture into a bowl and add tykmælken. Stir the yeast out. Add the remaining ingredients. Beat the batter well together and style it to uplift in a warm place about 1 hour. Form dough into buns and efterh

Lunch (to go) Salt Sunflower kernels Cracked rye kernels ...

Rugkernerne be soaked in 1/2 l. water in approximately 2 hours. The yeast dissolved in water (4 cups) and the drained rye kernels added with wheat flour and the sunflowers-it stirred together and stand in about 20 mins. The rest of the ingredients are ad

Lunch (to go) Iceberg lettuce Pepper Salt ...

Butter the pancakes with cream cheese. Grate the cucumber coarse and pressure væden out. Put fintsnittet iceberg lettuce and grated cucumber on buttered pancakes. Season with salt and pepper. Part-smoked trout lengthwise into two pieces. Put 1 piece on each pa

Lunch (to go) Basil pesto Ciabattabolle Smoked halibut ...

Cut the ciabattabollen half way through. Butter it with pestoen. Joined tomato slices, fish and olive slices. Pack into plastic foil.