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Lunch (to go) recipes

Lunch (to go) Salt Grated cheese, mozzarella 45 + Sugar ...

Dough: Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water add half of the flour, the grated carrots and the other ingredients. Take the dough out on a floured and knead the rest of the flour in the dough should raise in a warm place. in about 30 minutes. Knead the do

Lunch (to go) Living posteg Magarine Beet root ...

Rye bread and toast bread greased with magarine and liver posteg, save not on live postegen, then it will be too dry. Loaves are summed. Tips: You can suplerer with a beetroot.

Lunch (to go) Cucumber Cherry tomatoes Kebabs ...

Buy thin grill skewers of wood, crack them over at the Middle-so they can be in a lunchbox. Set so alternate ingredients on and wrap it all into the foil-it looks appealing and are eaten both with eyes and mouth. Tips: Give a folding frame-rugbød with EVS.

Lunch (to go) Corn Big ds tomato puree (concentrate) Large finely grated onion ...

Dissolve the yeast in lukewarm water and milk mix together oil, salt, tomato paste, oregano, cheese corn, onion and meat in flour then in to Mix the dough. becomes solid (it should be slightly sticky) let dough raise in 45 min. The form then approx. 30 buns

Lunch (to go) What i/kids feel like Meat sauce from the night before Oil ...

Benefit pizza sauce on pita bread Advantage grated cheese on top came fill on ex. ham and pineapple peperoni and red bell pepper in the preheated oven for ca. 5/10 min. (for cheese is melted) by 200 gr Can also be eaten cold. Tips: The kids love to help ma

Lunch (to go) , round grain milled Cherry sauce Pie cream ...

Cook the porridge of rice, water and salt. Cool this. Pipe a layer cake cream belong together on the instructions. Stir it into the porridge taste with vanilla and sugar porridge may not be dry but "soft". Served with kirsebærsous from the bottle or glass.

Lunch (to go) Bay leaves Oil Pepper ...

Wash the vegetables and cut them into coarse pieces. Got them in a pan with about 3 l. water. Add the seasoning and bring to the boil. When the water boils, add the meat. Let it simmer for about an hour and 40 minutes. The pot is taken by the heat and cool

Lunch (to go) Egg white Sesame seeds Eggs ...

Melt the margarine, pour the milk into the Pan and allow it to be snug. Stir the yeast into dejfadet in a little of the warm milk, add the rest of the milk, al hytteosten, the egg, salt and flour. Knead into dough is smooth-it must not be too heavy. Style doug