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Desserts (warm) recipes

Desserts (warm) Lemon peel Vanilla sugar Salt ...

Whip egg, flour, salt, sugar, cream and water together and let the dough rest for 15 minutes. Add melted butter and bag small thin pancakes on a very hot forehead

Desserts (warm) Carnations Canola oil Cardamom ...

All ingredients are mixed and distributed in a cake mold lubricated with oil. Bake for approx. 30 min at 220 degrees. tips: Can also be baked as muffins. (13min, 220 degrees) Tastes well with icing.

Desserts (warm) Water Apples Vanilla sugar ...

The apples are peeled and cut into smaller slices. Then put the apples in a saucepan and cook mildly. When cooked, add sugar and vanilla. Then boil approx. a minute.

Desserts (warm) Butter/margarine for baking Granulated sugar Beer ...

Flour, milk and beer are whipped to a leveling and added to the battered eggs. Put the dough in a jug and let it rest approx. 30 min. Put a little fat on a hot forehead and pour about 0.5 dl of dough on the forehead. When the pancake is golden turn it over. Wh

Desserts (warm) Oil Egg yolk Good dark chocolate ...

Chocolate melted over water bath. Cold butter melted in the carme chocolate. Mel is sifted in the mass. The other ingredients are added. 4 muffin molds lined with baking paper which is lubricated with a little neutral oil before the mass is distributed. Bake

Desserts (warm) Baking soda Sunflower oil Oatmeal ...

You first put eggs and sugar into a bowl of whiskey with an electric whip, then put the rest of the ingredients in and whip around. Put the dough in a mold and then in the oven at 200 c for 40 minutes then it is done. tips: You can put glass on top so it t

Desserts (warm) Flour (until it is thick enough) Salt Sugar ...

Put eggs and milk in a bowl and whisk it well. Then put flour in after it has a good thickness. Put salt and sugar into taste. Make sure the forehead is warm, put some fat on it

Desserts (warm) Salt Cardamom Sugar ...

Mix flour, salt, sugar and cardamom. Whip eggs and mix and stir in the flour. Add the oil. Stir around the dough and then let it rest while turning on the stove. Heat the pan and pour some oil onto the first pancake, for the rest it is not necessary. tips: