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Desserts (warm) recipes

Desserts (warm) EVS. Accessories Ice cream or jam Coarse salt ...

Mix flour, sugar and salt. Beat the milk for a little while to a lump-free dough. Peel the eggs in. Melt the butter in the pan and pour it into the dough. Bake the pancakes by side heat until they are light brown on both sides. tips: Enjoy :).

Desserts (warm) Milk Orange skrall Chocolate ...

Warm the chocolate for 1 min and 30 seconds without the milk !!! Afterwards you pour the milk in and stir around a little, then take the orange rind into the chocolate sauce and then stir again and then it's done

Desserts (warm) Apple Sugar ...

Peel an apple and cut out the core house. Cut the apple into thin slices. Put them on the forehead and spread 1 teaspoon of sugar on the slices. Turn the slices over, so it's the side of the slice that has sugar on, facing down. Spread sugar on the other side

Desserts (warm) Cherries (frozen) Sugar Water for jævning ...

Bring cherries water and juice into the boil and let it boil until the cherries are tender. Taste the sauce with sugar. Make the leveling and add it while stirring, stir until the sauce has a clear dark color.

Desserts (warm) Baking soda Eggs Sugar ...

Mix flour, baking powder and sugar in a bowl. Stir the milk for a while, so the dough i clump. Stir to a smooth dough. Whip the eggs together and stir them in the dough. Cool for 30 minutes too, the dough is ready :-) tips: For crisp waffles whip the e

Desserts (warm) Salt Lemon peel Cardamom ...

Peel the lemon to make it ready. Mix flour, salt, cardamom, baking soda and stir it together. Whip egg yolks together with cream and buttermilk. Beat the flour mixture into the egg mixture. Whip egg whites stiff and turn it into the dough. Leave it in the

Desserts (warm) Milk Oatmeal Cardamom ...

Mix flour, birch seed, vanilla and cardamom together and mix milk, oil and eggs together, stir the whole thing together. Leave it in the fridge for 1 hour or more and raise them.

Desserts (warm) Orange sauce 1 serving = 2 pancakes Salt Orange juice ...

Pancakes: Dry the ingredients evenly with water / beer and milk. Egg yolks and oil are added and the dough rests for 30 minutes in a refrigerator. After that, the egg whites are whipped stiff and turned into the dough. Put the pancakes in butter. Apple s