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Cold cuts recipes

Cold cuts Sea salt Thyme el 1 bdt. fresh parsley Onion ...

The vegetables are cleaned. Onion chop into small cubes and FRY glass clear in the oil. The carrots rives fine, fry along with the onion a few min the pot is taken by the heat. Eggs and sour cream whipped lightly together and stir into the vegetables. Seasonin

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Grof trevne carrots ...

Sauté leeks in oil 5 min. Add the carrots. There should be a lid on the pot and vegetables some gruel is ca. 10 min. Grahamsbrødet break up very finely and place in the vegetables the last few min the pot is removed from the heat. When the vegetables are sligh

Cold cuts Homemade grovboller Pepper Grated nutmeg ...

150-200 gr. real trout or laksekød cut into fine strips, and are added to the page to add the layered in pateén. 600 gr of flesh is run through a meat grinder. Forcemeat is touched: the minced fish meat, add maizenamel. The two whole eggs stirred in. Add th

Cold cuts White pepper Finely chopped dill Trout Fillet ...

The trout is filleted, skin removed and the fillets are run through a meat grinder. Stir chewy with salt and pepper. Add the eggs, one at a time. Then add the dill and finally the cream. The mass is stirred slowly together by hand, if necessary. on the machine

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Rosemary ...

Broccolien be placed in boiling water 3 minutes, pour into a sieve and showered with cold water. Broccolien afdryppes well. The cut into very small florets and stems cut into thin slices. Mayonnaisen season with Rosemary, tomato puree and salt and pepper to ta

Cold cuts Salt Paprika Chives, fresh ...

Pour the A38 to the draining of coffee filters. Style them in a refrigerator min. 6 hours or overnight. Chop ham, peppers and onion finely. Stir in the drained A38 with salt, pepper and paprika. Turn the ham, peppers and onions in.

Cold cuts Dressing Iceberg, lettuce Pepper. White ...

Stir the dressing together and taste the good to. Cut the flesh into small cubes and mix it with cleaned, sliced mushrooms, asparagus and peas. Cut the peppers into tiny pieces and mix them in. Turn all the ingredients of the dressing and season it with sal

Cold cuts Cress. fresh Pepper Salt ...

Dressing: the homemade or bought mayonæse touched with the selected soured milk product and then add the remaining ingredients, season. The dressing, add finely chopped onions and tiny cucumber pieces. Garnish with quartered hard-boiled eggs, bell pepper, o