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Cold cuts recipes

Cold cuts Plenty of water Salt Corned-beef tongue ...

Tongue out in ample fresh water and brought to the boil. The Pan lightly, and that tasted on the water, tastes it not as salt can add salt, but it is usually not necessary. Boil 1 ½-2 hours. When the tongue is cooled slightly by then removed the outer skin

Cold cuts Chili Very pepper Allspice ...

How to: getting it all in a food processor and let the machine run for it have been a finely ground mass. Butter a foil form with butter/oil and came cnivi therein. Bake in an oven at 200 ° for approximately 50-60 minutes Tips: Serving: Tastes still on r

Cold cuts Onion Little ds. corn Tuna in water ...

Drain the tuna and corn. Chop the onions and mix it all together with Greek yogurt. Easy, fast and healthy (: Tips: Do not know the exact quantities when I just experimenting a little with the quantities. You can also put peas in.

Cold cuts Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Red pepper ...

Let the tuna drain in a strainer. It came in a bowl and stir it together with mayonnaise ell. sour cream. Inserts peberfrugten into small cubes and stir them in tunsalaten. Season with salt and pepper. Tips: It is really good in a sandwich or on a piece

Cold cuts Pepper Coarse salt Curry ...

1) stir mayonnaise with curry, salt and pepper 2) clip Cress 3) chop the hard-boiled eggs, turn them in the dressing with Cress 4) season with salt and pepper

Cold cuts Fresh guard pepper Coarse salt Small can of corn ...

1. Add the tuna in a colander and let it drain away. 2. mix the tuna with mayonnaise or sour cream. 3. rinse peberfrugten and cut it into cubes. 4. Pour the corn and bell peppers with tuna and season with salt and pepper Tips: Use tunsalaten as a fill i

Cold cuts Freshly ground pepper Curry and turmeric to taste Pinch. garlic ...

Cucumbers and gherkins cut into small cubes and mix it all together and season.

Cold cuts Coarse salt Turkey Breast Nitrite salt ...

Cut the Turkey Breast into 3 equal pieces Bind string in for mounting Be in the brine for 2 days and then hanged for draining overnight Then, in the smoking oven and smoke in 2 days = 10-12 hours per 24-hour at max 20-25 degrees