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Cold cuts recipes

Cold cuts Coarse salt Ground pepper Mayonnaise ...

Remove any bones from the herring. Boil the eggs until they are hard-boiled. Cool the eggs down and find the meat chopper. Put 1/2 herring in the chop with 1-2 eggs and half a onion. Run it through the chopper and do the same with the rest. (It's about ge

Cold cuts Mayonnaise Skinte, diced Chives ...

Chop hammer tern, red pepper, onion and onions. Mix it with the mayonnaise.

Cold cuts 8-10 forme à 4.5 dl Ground allspice Ground cloves ...

Liver, fried and onion chopped through the meat chopper 3-4 times and mix well. Then whip with egg, flour, cream and spices. Pour into small molds of 4.5 dl and freeze immediately. Remove from the freezer and baked at 180 degrees in water bath for 1-1½ hour

Cold cuts 1 vegetable bouillon cube Are you a seasoned you can add something sweet or strong chilli but remember that it's not everyone who can eat with Salt ...

All ingredients for cooking are cleaned and cut into smaller pieces. Ingredients come in a saucepan and sprinkle as well as spices added. Depending on how thick the meat is cooked with low heat for about 1½ hours. Maybe more. The meat must be so tender that it

Cold cuts Aromat White pepper Salt ...

Mayonnaise Cremfraice mix well with landslide Spice at last tips: Try with tuna corn peas redpepper. Possibly ham strip onions. Possibly with thin slices of red sausage onions

Cold cuts Vegetable stock Curry Paprika ...

The cottage cheese is dripped for a few hours in a cheese dress. Season the spices in the hot oil for a moment. The onions are chopped and added together with crushed garlic. The onions are switched until ready. The broth is poured and the mixture is cooled

Cold cuts Millet flakes Onion Tomatoes ...

The aubergines are cut into small cubes and put into saline for 30 minutes. They are dropped. The onions are chopped well and swirled in the oil for a couple of minutes. The tomatoes are chopped and added. The aubergine dishes are finely chopped and put tog

Cold cuts Pepper Red onion Salt ...

Pour the water from the tuna and put the tuna in a bowl. Chop the tuna with a fork so it is not too big. Add the cream fraiche and stir it together. Chop onions and olives in small pieces (choose how much amount - but not too big) and mix it with the other. No