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Cold cuts recipes

Cold cuts Bacon Wheat flour Onion ...

Chop liver, hearts and onions. Mix it all and mix it well. Adjust with milk so daddy becomes lind. Take advantage of the dough in the hills and put bacon slices on.

Cold cuts Chili Garlic Becel reduced-fat butter 38% with omega3 (ALT. red dot) ...

Let becel stand out for 5 min. Stir the softened butter with herbs and season with spices. Garlic and chilli can be blended with a small boil. Alternatively, garlic mix and chili can be used from Santa Maria

Cold cuts Chili Pepper Salt ...

The vegetables are boiled until they are tender. The remaining ingredients blend together with the vegetables in a blender. The egg yolk is lubricated with olive oil, the dough is poured in and Sprinkle with rasp on top. Bake at 170-180 ° C for approx. 4

Cold cuts Atamon Chili after taste Pepper ...

Beetroot, potatoes and horseradish blend until the cream is creamy. Then add olive oil, salt, pepper and possibly. chili. Blend until all is mixed. Add if necessary. Atamon (1-2 capsule) to increase shelf life. tips: Good butter sandwich for rye bread.

Cold cuts Lemon juice Red, green & yellow peppers Dijon mustard ...

Put the tuna in a bowl and get it well, then come into the Mayonnaise and stir well, bring the Dutch mustard and dijon in, as well as salt, sugar and pepper, mix well and chop while chopping the peppers and eggs. In practice (or whatever) Now when the bowl has

Cold cuts Spices per kg of father's Lamb intestines Dried ginger ...

Meat chopped through meat chopper (3 mm slice). Eating thoroughly with spices. The fathers are filled in lambsmen and drained for 10 cm. length. Finished sausages can be cooked or grilled as they are or are cold for about 1 day. tips: Can be eaten wit

Cold cuts Cremfraiche 18% ...

Coming in a sieve with a coffee filter let it stand on the kitchen table for a day so the trap has passed. Eg garlic, red pepper, fresh herbs only imagination sets limits

Cold cuts Onion Mayonnaise Meat mix (meat residues) ...

The lid is chopped 1 time. Add appetizer mix and chop it all 3 times. If there is a lot of pepper in eg. Roll sausage it's a good idea to remove it as it will be too pricey. Refreshment is not suitable as it is too salty. When it is chopped, stir well wi