Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Pepper Brown sugar Pressed garlic ...

Stir the marinade together of all the ingredients and pour it over the meat. Let the meat pull in the refrigerator approx. 4 hours - turn it over and over. Grill chicken pieces on both sides total approx. 20 min....

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Clean the herrings and make three slices on each side of the fish. Mix flour, salt and pepper and turn the herring into it. Brush the herrings with oil, put them on aluminum foil and grill on each side for 2 - 3 minutes. Put the herrings in a refractory dish, ...

Mains Potatoes A little chopped parsley Oil to grease the foil ...

Dip the herring fillets dry, sprinkle them with pepper and sprinkle with a little lime or lemon juice. Place the herring with the skin side up on a piece of foil brushed with a little oil. Make the vegetables stand, cut the carrots into cubes and the pears in ...

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs, beaten together ...

Sprinkle the herring fillets inside with salt and pepper. Chop almonds and hazelnuts and mix with rasp and egg. Fill the nutmeg into the herring and put them on a plate. Grill them in the oven approx. 3 minutes on each side. Server with coarse bread and lemon....

Appetizers Lemon both Pepper Parsley sprigs ...

Pile the head and shell off the prawns, but let the skull on the tailpiece sit. Remove the black intestine from the back with a pointed knife. Rinse the prawns and dip them dry.

Mix the crushed garlic garlic with salt, pepper and olive oil into a bowl. Let ...

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon Sugar Pineapple ...

Cut the paper into slices. Cut the peel off and remove the marrow. Place the slices on the grill by not too strong heat (!) 6-8 min. on every side. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon at the serving. Can be served with vanilla ice cream or softice for the kids an...

Sides Pepper Salt Dried oregano ...

Cut the tomatoes and sprinkle them with oregano, salt and pepper.

Place the tomatoes with the cutting surface down in a barbecue tray or on a piece of aluminum oil. Grill the tomatoes easily so that they do not fall apart....

Mains Cajun mix Barbecue spices of your choice A little grill oil ...

Mix spices with a little barbecue oil. Brush the steaks on both sides.

Grill the steaks with high heat, 2-3 minutes on each side after thickness....